PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories)

PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS

Book: PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Read Free Book Online
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and infiltrate the fortress. He shifted into a beast of legend, with scales blacker than the night sky and cold blue eyes that reflected his frozen soul. His wings spanned far in both directions, casting an ominous shadow on the clouds below. The air was thin and crisp. The full moon above refracted across his shimmering black scales, casting him in a white glow.
    Flying this close to heaven was the only time Ragnar thought he could feel the presence of his wife and son. He imagined them flying by his side, soaring above the cares and worries of the world below. Ragnar descended beneath the clouds and dived at rapid pace to avoid being spotted. He landed in a clearing and quickly shifted back to his human form.
    He was naked. His human form could not withstand the icy chill of winter for long. Fortunately the fortress was close. He made his way silently through the forest until he spotted a lone guard standing watch. Ragnar circled around and approached from behind.
    Ragnar wrapped his arm around the man’s throat and pulled him down. He clenched his thick bicep and pulled his forearm upward, cutting off the man’s air supply. He was too shocked and surprised to fight back. He lost consciousness and Ragnar slowly released him. He pondered for a long while if he should deliver a killing blow, but decided against it. He would die with the rest of them when the time was right.
    Ragnar took his clothes which consisted of a suit and crimson tie with plain black slacks. He had a gun holstered at his side and a wireless communicator in his ear. Ragnar took everything and dressed himself as the guard. He made his way to the fortress and walked with a quiet confidence that he hoped would allow him to blend in.
    There seemed to be an event being held within the high walls of the complex. Various humans were arriving dressed in military uniforms and decorated with medals. There were representatives from various countries. Ragnar saw all manner of different flags stitched upon the shoulders of the men entering through the main gate. Many of them walked with woman by their side. The whole scene made Ragnar think he was attending a celebration or gala instead of infiltrating the heart of his enemies.
    The guards at the front gate wore the same clothing as Ragnar. They afforded him a slight nod as he passed through without issue. Ragnar breathed a sigh of relief as he melded himself into the crowd. Guards were placed at various intervals and directed the guests through the open complex. Buildings passed by on either side, holding secrets that Ragnar was determined to reveal. All in due time, he thought.
    “Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be guarding?”
    Ragnar turned and saw a woman dressed in a tight black dress that traced the outline of her curvaceous form. She had jet black hair and glistening emerald eyes that regarded Ragnar with a quiet curiosity.
    “I’m on break,” Ragnar muttered.
    “Ah, I see. Going to see this Apollo fellow then?” She asked.
    Ragnar hadn’t heard that name before.
    “Yeah, one of your bosses. Are you new or something?”
    Ragnar shook his head. “I’ve been doing this a long time.”
    “Well, since you’re on break, maybe you can be my date?”
    “You’re here alone?”
    The woman waved her hand to dismiss the idea.
    “No, but I haven’t the slightest idea where my husband is. Besides, if you turn me down, I’ll tell your boss you’re skipping out on work.”
    Ragnar clenched his jaw. This woman was becoming a nuisance.
    “Very well,” he said.
    The woman interlocked her arm with Ragnar. He hadn’t felt the touch of a woman in some time. It was both welcome and distracting. He had to remain hidden until this Apollo revealed himself. Then he would strike at the heart of the Dragonslayers.
    The earpiece crackled with static. Ragnar stopped in his tracks and focused on the sound. The woman’s pace came to a grinding halt. She teetered on her heels and let

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