PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories)

PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Page B

Book: PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Read Free Book Online
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away from the general.
    “How dare you turn your back on me! Do you know who I am?”
    Ragnar could no longer bite his tongue.
    “I know you’re the kind of person to leave your wife stranded and desperate for attention. Perhaps you should spend more time with her and less time inflating your own ego?”
    Humiliation was a sound tactic, but Ragnar soon realized his comment only made the situation worse. The general roared and pulled a gun out of his jacket. It was a small and concealed weapon, but the sight of it sent the crowded hall into a frenzy.
    “Insolent fool, those words will be you last!” He shouted.
    “Harmon, you’re embarrassing yourself!” Isabel shouted.
    Ragnar was out of options. He had failed to defuse the situation, and the eyes of Apollo were on him. Ragnar spotted the Dragonslayer as he approached from the right. Apollo took the gun out of the general’s hands with incredible speed. His hand moved so quickly that the image of it blurred through the air.
    The general’s jaw dropped as his eyes wandered to Apollo. A swift fist collided with the general’s face and he fell to the ground unconscious. A trio of guards arrived and picked up the body. Isabel chased after them commanding that they put him down.
    “You’re not one of mine. Who are you?” He asked.
    “I was stationed at Gamma, I left my post to escort the general’s wife,” Ragnar said.
    The words seemed to float right past the Dragonslayer.
    “Those eyes, I know them, and I know what you are,” Apollo said.
    “Then it seems we are at a standstill,” Ragnar replied.
    Apollo leaned forward and whispered into Ragnar’s ear.
    “Come with me now, Dragon, and I will make your death swift. Fight me here, and I will make you watch as I slay everyone you love.”
    Ragnar smiled. “Oh Apollo, you’ve missed one very important detail.”
    “Have I? Enlighten me then.”
    “You and your kind have already taken everything from me. I have nothing left to lose!”
    Ragnar stepped back and unleashed his inner dragon. A blast of icy wind swept across the hall as his human form quickly gave way to the body and wings of an ancient ice dragon. Ragnar’s wings spread to either side of the hall and his head scraped the ceiling of the building.
    Apollo turned and ran as Ragnar roared and painted a blast of ice from his mouth. Everything the rushing wind touched instantly froze. Humans stood frozen in their final fearful poses with hands raised and mouths agape. Icicles dangled from their outstretched arms and from the edges of the tables.
    Ragnar charged forward, shattering everything that had been frozen by his icy breath. There was no length he wouldn’t take to get the revenge he sought. As he took another deep breath and unleashed a fury of frozen wind across the path in front him, Ragnar’s thoughts wandered back to the night he lost everything.
    He watched the humans beneath him cower in fear and run for shelter. Their terrified faces mirrored the faces of his wife and son as the Dragonslayers drove their blades through them. Ragnar held them both in his arms as he watched the life drain out of their eyes. The thought ignited the blizzard within his soul. He charged forward again, shattering the frozen personas of the poor souls who dared to stand in his way.
    Apollo foolishly ran out of the building. No doubt he had seen his fair share of dragons, but nothing matched the fury of a Nordic ice dragon. There was a reason the Dragonslayers rarely came into the Scandinavian Mountains. Even with their incredible strength and near immortal lifespan, the biting cold and the icy breath of Ragnar’s people made quick work of them.
    Ragnar charged forward and shattered the wall of the building. Stone and steel reinforcements rained down around him as he stood under the moon high in the sky. His eyes scanned the ground beneath him as Dragonslayers assembled. He spotted Apollo emerge from behind a building in the distance. He held a golden bow

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