PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories)

PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Page A

Book: PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Read Free Book Online
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loose an audible sigh.
    “Gamma post, report in! You’re late again!” A voice shouted.
    Ragnar pressed his finger against the communicator and heard a click.
    “All clear here,” he said.
    “Miss another check and I’ll have your ass, you hear me?”
    “Yes sir.”
Ragnar looked back to the woman who was still relentlessly clinging to his arm.
    “Trouble in paradise?” She asked.
    “I don’t know how long I can stay,” Ragnar said, “They’re going to find out I’m away from my post.”
    The woman gestured to the continued flow of guests.
    “Then hurry up and escort me to the presentation dinner!”
    Ragnar returned to the throng of moving people. Everyone was being led like sheep into one of the larger buildings. Inside the drab interior was decorated with ornate tapestries that hung from the walls and covered the plain concrete beneath. Tables and chairs were arranged across the open space and a stage with a podium lined the back wall.
    “We should probably know each other’s names if we’re going to go any further with this,” the woman said.
    “I don’t think I’ll be staying for the presentation,” Ragnar said.
    “Nonsense! By the time my husband finishes bragging to every general in here the dinner will be over! Don’t make a woman eat alone.”
    She extended her hand. “I’m Isabel.”
    “Oh, I like that name! What is that, European?” She asked.
    “No, it’s not.”
    “Well then, let’s find out seats, shall we Ragnar?”
    He was growing tired of this woman. She was clearly starved for attention, but he couldn’t afford to have his divided. Ragnar sat beside her at one of the tables and scanned the room. He didn’t see any Dragonslayers, just a bunch of humans enjoying each other’s company.
    When a Dragonslayer did enter the room, Ragnar felt the temperature drop. Their presence was haunting, like being in the room with a malevolent spirit. It was just one for now, but Ragnar knew this one was somehow important. It was the way he carried himself, the contempt in his gaze as he looked out at the humans in the room like they were cattle.
    He had a chiseled jaw and ashy white skin. His thick brown hair was perfectly manicured into a high and tight haircut. He took the stage and tapped the microphone that extended from the podium. The crowd went silent.
    “Thank you all for coming here. I appreciate that so many nationalities and countries are willing to work together in this endeavor. My name is Apollo, and I am one of five who will be speaking tonight. For now, please enjoy the food and relax,” he said.
    No one had seen the leaders of the Dragonslayers in person. The elders of Ragnar’s tribe, in all of their years, had only learned that they numbered five. Ragnar had a name: Apollo. It was the name of a Greek god, but more than that, Apollo was known for slaying the she-dragon Python of Delphi. Could this man and the god of myth be one and the same? Being in his presence, Ragnar wasn’t certain either way.
    “Hey, what are you doing with my wife?” A voice growled.
    Ragnar spun around in his chair as a pair of beefy hands grabbed his shoulders. Before he could stand he was ripped out of his seating and thrown onto the ground. He felt the eyes of the room staring at him. More than that, he could feel the eyes of Apollo from across the room.
    He stood to his feet and looked upon the muscular form of Isabel’s husband.
    “You’ve got ten seconds to tell me why you were sitting with my wife!” He shouted.
    “I meant no offense sir. She was left unattended and I provided her with escort to the dinner.”
    “He’s telling the truth Harmon, I was lost and I needed helping finding the right building,” Isabel said.
    The general clenched his fists, apparently not satisfied with the answer. Ragnar didn’t have time for this display of strength. He needed to defuse the situation.
    “My business is finished here, have a lovely evening,” Ragnar said, turning

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