
Stay by Paige Prince

Book: Stay by Paige Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Prince
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had only fallen a fraction, but it was enough. I wondered how much money I had in my savings account, because I was tempted to go anyway, knowing I’d get fired if I took any more time off.
    “Yeah, next time. I’ll miss you.”
    I felt like an asshole. “I’ll miss you too.”
    He kissed me so long at the airport drop off my knees went a little weak.
    I slept most of the flight and called the minute we were able to use our cellphones. I missed him already—and boy, was I in trouble if my heart kept overriding my head this way.
    Evan called before he was set to board his plane to Buffalo, but his reception was horrible in the airport, so we didn’t get the chance to talk long…probably a good thing, given my dark mood.
    My period was due any day, and I undoubtedly suffered from the most horrible PMS in the history of mood swings. Although, I wasn’t craving peanut butter cups, and I always did just before Aunt Flo came to town.
    I’d never wanted my most unwelcome visitor to arrive more.
    And I really didn’t want to examine why I’d left Evan high and dry on the way to a show. Maybe after a lot of wine and some cookie baking with Mel, I’d be able to view the situation more objectively.
    Right. And pigs will start flying fighter jets for the Navy.
    The cab dropped me off at my apartment, and I went inside long enough to drop off my bags, change, and pull my hair back. Then I headed to work. Cooking always made me feel better. I could focus on the recipe, rather than the problem.
    I called Mel as I got ready to walk into the restaurant. If anyone would be able to pull me out of my craptastic mood, it’d be her.
    “Hey babe!” She turned down the very loud music playing in the background as she picked up.
    I couldn’t help but smile. “Hey gorgeous.”
    “What’s wrong?”
    I sighed, then explained what Maria had told me. “Am I ready for that kind of serious Mel?”
    “If you weren’t, you never would’ve gone to Tampa with him, and you know it. Besides, it’s not like he’s planning on asking you to marry him…is he?”
    “Ha ha, you’re hilarious. No marriage proposal yet. I…” The phone beeped in my ear as I reached for the door handle to Mystique. “Hang on, other line.”
    I clicked over. “Hello?”
    Samantha’s panicked voice was on the other end. “There’s been an accident. Evan hit his head during the run-through. He’s in a coma.”

    Chapter Six
    I raced back to my house, threw some clothes in a bag, and caught the next flight to Buffalo. When the plane landed, I took a cab to the hospital and met Samantha at the entrance.
    “Charlie,” she said as she pulled me into a hug, “he’s upstairs in intensive care. Maria is with him now. They’re only allowing one person in the room for the moment, but we can go to the waiting area. Keith’s up there with a few of the guys.”
    We made our way upstairs, Samantha babbling the whole way. My hands shook, and I was on the verge of tears by the time we reached the ICU waiting room, which was packed with wrestlers.
    Keith walked over and hugged me. “He’s stable but still in a coma. The doctors are hoping he’ll wake up soon.”
    “How?” I managed to choke out through my fear. “How did this happen?”
    “He dove over the ropes…something he’s done hundreds of time before…but he landed wrong and hit his head on the stairs.”
    “Why…how…” I was at a loss for words.
    “We don’t know. He seemed a little distracted beforehand but okay otherwise.” Keith led me to a chair. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, Charlie. He’s Evan. He’s strong. He’ll get through this.”
    He'll get through this. It was a mantra in my head. I had to believe it.
    Maria came into the waiting room a little while later to give us an update, her tired face streaked with tears. “Charlie! You’re here!”
    I stifled tears. “I came as soon as I heard.”
    She pulled at my hand. “Come back with

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