My Heroes Have Always Been Hitmen (Humorous Romantic Shorts) (Greatest Hits Mysteries)

My Heroes Have Always Been Hitmen (Humorous Romantic Shorts) (Greatest Hits Mysteries) by Leslie Langtry

Book: My Heroes Have Always Been Hitmen (Humorous Romantic Shorts) (Greatest Hits Mysteries) by Leslie Langtry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Langtry
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to the same conclusion at the same time, it 's bound to be true. Sperry needed Wini's family money. But loans from Uncle Daniel wouldn't last forever. He needed more than that. He might not kill Wini immediately or even in the next few months. But he would kill her.
    " I really wish I'd read that file," I mumbled.
    " So we have to take him out," Auntie said.
    I nodded. "Only now, we have to do it before the wedding."
    " Or Winifred will inherit Sperry's debts too," Auntie finished. I hadn't even thought of that.
    " You have to go in there and stall Winifred. I'll go finish my assignment," I said.
    Auntie shook her head. "No, you go in and stall, and I'll finish your assignment."
    " Not a chance," I said to her. "I'm supposed to be the maid of honor. My disappearance will hold things up a bit. You have to find a way to distract the bride."
    " Damn it." Auntie bit her lip. "I hate it when you're right." With a sigh, she went to Wini's door. She stood there for a moment and then looked at me and nodded. After a quick knock, she went in.
    Now, where would Sperry be? He wouldn 't have to do much to get ready. I'd have to find him quickly and get the job done. I'd also have to dispose of him. Yes, that was it! Make it look like Sperry had run off—jilted Wini at the altar! It was cruel but far better than having Winifred married to this monster.
    But where would I find him? I searched the house but couldn 't find anyone who knew where the groom had gotten to. Very carefully, I slipped into the kitchen and out the back door. Soon, Wini would launch a search party to find her missing maid of honor, so I couldn't take the chance of anyone seeing me.
    Have you ever tried to hide while wear ing a hoop skirt? You cannot press flat against a wall, and climbing, running, or even walking fast is impossible—especially with the addition of a corset.
    Carter Livingstone Sperry was nowhere to be found. Nearly everyone in attendance had moved to the front of the house after being told the wedding would take place on the porch. I managed to skirt the perimeter of trees, which shredded my dress. Surveillance was not easy when you were a well-dressed woman in the South.
    Branches tore at my hair and scratched my face. By the time I emerged from the trees behind the house, I looked every inch a disaster.
    Instead of facing the other revelers in this state, I located a small path that would eventually lead to the tobacco barn where I could straighten my appearance and think. No one would be there at this time—the slaves were all working at the party, preparing food, setting up tables and chairs, and serving.
    The barn door was slightly ajar, causing me to pause outside. Bombays are a suspi cious people—something learned from entering one too many buildings where the door had been left open, I suppose. After waiting outside a few moments, and hearing no sound from within, I decided to go in.
    The spicy scent of dried tobacco leaves hung oppressively in the hot, dusky air. I started to work on repairing my hair. I couldn't remain here long if I didn't want to smell like tobacco. It took longer than usual, because my damn corset made it difficult for me to raise my arms and breathe at the same time.
    Once my hair was in some semblance of order, I started to clean up my face with a handkerchief. How had I gotten so dirty? The dress was beyond repair in some places. There was nothing to be done about that. I tried to rearrange the fabric to cover the worst tears, but people would notice. I'd have to come up with an answer for that.
    " Ahem…" A deep voice to my left caused me to jump. I landed in a defensive stance and realized with a start that I didn't have my hat, which meant I didn't have my hatpin. Both were sitting on Wini's bed…where I was supposed to be. Damn.
    " I am sorry to disturb you." Carter Livingstone Sperry stepped out of the shadows. "I thought no one would be here, and I'd have a few moments to myself before the wedding."

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