Mister Black: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 1 (In the Shadows)

Mister Black: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 1 (In the Shadows) by P.T. Michelle

Book: Mister Black: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 1 (In the Shadows) by P.T. Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.T. Michelle
Tags: Romance
ask, panic setting in. Had Gavin figured out who I am? Did Mina tell him?
    He covers the phone. “Celeste is throwing up like a champ in the guest bathroom. Cald wants to take her home, but she’s insisting on you.”
    “No, I’ll go get her,” I say, quickly sliding off the bed to grab my mask from the floor. Cass would flip if the truth came out who she really is. I hope like hell she’s managed to keep her mask on.
    The second I slip my mask back on, he’s by my side, tilting my chin up, his voice determined. “We’re not done. Nowhere near.”
    I can’t help the fluttering in my stomach. Knowing that he wants to see me again makes me feel giddy inside even though I know it’s for the best that we end it here.
    “Can you meet somewhere in town tomorrow?” he asks before I can voice my anxious thoughts. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
    I’m dying to know what that could possibly be. I really should say no, but there is one thing I need to do now, so I nod. There’s a café in town with an old-fashioned covered porch. Marcus, a friend from school, told me to visit it while I was here. He said that it’s perfect for enjoying coffee outside. “Do you know The Grinder? I can meet you on the porch at four in the afternoon.”
    He hands me my dress and corset, then traces his thumb along the edge of my mask, a victorious smile tilting his lips. “You can’t hide behind this tomorrow, Red.”
    I know I can’t. I dip my head, then quickly pull on my dress.
    Downstairs, Calder meets us at the door, Cass hanging on his arm. His forehead pinches in concern when she throws her arms around my neck, slurring, “Scarlett, tague me home. I feewl awfuz.”
    Sebastian and Calder exchange a look when the taxi I’d called drives up. “Doesn’t she have a driver?” Calder asks.
    Well shit. Celeste would have a driver pick her up. “Oh, she’s staying with me tonight, so no driver. We decided to taxi it.”
    Once Cass slides across the seat, I sit down, then feel Sebastian’s hand on my shoulder. “Scoot over,” he says in a low tone.
    I frown and shake my head. “We’ll be fine, Sebastian. Go back to your party and apologize to your sister for me.”
    He presses his mouth in a determined slant, his hold on my shoulder tightening slightly. “I want to make sure you get home okay.”
    I reach up and squeeze his hand. “Really. We’re good.”
    I jump slightly when he pushes my cape’s hastily tied ribbon aside to touch the floating heart against the sensitive base of my throat. He stares at it for a second, running his finger across the gold charm, his brow furrowed as if trying to place it. I hold my breath and just as I start to pull away, he curls his fingers around mine and lifts my hand, branding a warm kiss on my palm. “Tomorrow at four.”
    “Tomorrow,” I repeat, trying not to shiver at the sensations shimmying down my arm.
    Once we’ve driven a couple of blocks, I instruct the cab driver to drop us off where we’d parked well away from the house. Then I pay him and half-drag, half-carry Cass to her car.
    “Hmmm, you smell like cologne,” she says in my ear as I hold my shoulder against her chest to keep her upright while I open the passenger’s side door.
    “You smell like a bar,” I shoot back as she collapses into her seat.
    After I’ve climbed in my side, I buckle her into her seat, sweat coating my face as I flop back against mine. “Honest to God, Cass. You’re going to give me a heart attack,” I say as I crank the engine and pull out of the parking spot.
    “Who knew champagne could hit you so hard,” she says, moaning slightly.
    I glance her way and can’t help but snicker. Her mask is pushed up into her hair and she’s pressing her forehead to the cool window. “Hmm, you sound better, but you still look like shit.”
    “I had to play up the Celeste is a lush part before I left, but it’s good to hear I look like shit, because I feel much worse than that. So

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