Her Island Fantasy, an erotic novella (Bridesmaids in Paradise)

Her Island Fantasy, an erotic novella (Bridesmaids in Paradise) by Emma Jay

Book: Her Island Fantasy, an erotic novella (Bridesmaids in Paradise) by Emma Jay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Jay
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    Her Island Fantasy
    by Emma Jay
    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright © 2012 by Emma Jay
    Smashwords Edition License Notes
    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To Fred. Thank you for my happily ever after.


    Bailey Warwick unzipped her suitcase, which had been packed for a week, and unpacked it. She stared at the clothes, none of which were now good enough to take to Hawaii for Eric and Haven’s wedding. And they were leaving tomorrow. No time to shop.
    She looked at the linen, t-shirt and denim assortment, the modest retro-style bathing suit, the pretty but unremarkable dress she’d bought for the rehearsal dinner. When had she become so boring? And why did she decide, the night before her flight, it wasn’t enough?
    Why? Because Haven told her about fifteen minutes ago that Eric’s hottie brother Ian was single again. He’d be attending Haven and Eric’s Hawaiian wedding alone, and Bailey’s libido, which had been in hibernation, woke with an evil plan in mind. One that required sexier clothes than these. While she’d been on a diet and exercise regime since Haven announced her Hawaiian wedding, and had lost thirty pounds, she hadn’t changed her style. Why oh why did she realize this the night before she left?
    She looked at the clock. Eight thirty, definitely too late to go shopping. She walked to her closet and pulled out a few pieces, then pulled out her sewing machine. She could adapt.
    “You look like hell,” Joslyn said as they sat together on the plane to San Francisco, where they’d change planes for Hawaii. “Did you sleep at all?”
    “Hour and a half, maybe.” By the time she’d tried all her outfits on to her satisfaction, added accessories and repacked, it had been four o’clock in the morning. But she was pleased with the alterations in her wardrobe, and grateful to her mother for teaching her to sew, though she probably wouldn’t appreciate Bailey’s motivation—to seduce Ian Viera.
    She’d only caught a glimpse of him running toward the gate as they boarded. She, of course, had been at the airport a full two hours before the flight, even had time to stand in line for coffee—which she promptly followed with mints, just in case she talked to him—and read two chapters of her book on her e-reader. She’d been in line to board when he came running up to the gate, a cap pulled low over his face, sunglasses hiding his eyes, scruffy stubble, wearing a white shirt that looked like he’d just picked it up off the floor, cargo shorts and flip-flops.
    She usually hated flip-flops on men, but today her heart did a little skitter of delight. They were flying to Hawaii, after all, and he looked like he was ready to head straight to the beach when they arrived.
    Now he sat a few rows back, and when she’d last looked, he was sleeping. He’d probably been up all night, too, but for a different reason. He was a cop in the vice division.
    The idea made her heart do another flutter. Why she found that career so sexy, she had no idea. Probably because she could imagine him pulling a gun just as well as she could imagine him sweeping her into his arms and kissing her brainless.
    “You were probably worried you’d miss the flight, or that you’d forgotten something, or that Haven wouldn’t make the flight, or one of a million different things.”
    Bailey blinked at Joslyn, completely forgetting they’d been holding a conversation. Actually, Joslyn was spot-on, or would have been had Bailey not been frantically altering her wardrobe. Okay, not frantically. She didn’t do much frantically. She was actually quite methodical. Which meant she needed to come up with a plan to get Ian

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