Man From the USSR & Other Plays

Man From the USSR & Other Plays by Vladimir Nabokov

Book: Man From the USSR & Other Plays by Vladimir Nabokov Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vladimir Nabokov
must be very hard for you, with no money and all....
    No, it’s all right. We’ll dig some up, somewhere. It doesn’t matter much.
    Nevertheless ... I do have a little extra cash.
    Oh well, if that’s the case.... I’m very grateful. Yes, yes, it’s more than enough. I’ll give it back to you in three days.
    There, I’m glad. That’ll be fine. There’s no rush.
    I’ll leave you two alone. Thanks for the very pleasant chat, Mr. Kuznetsoff. I have to go down and discuss something with the landlady,
(hurries out)
    Alyosha, forgive me if we ran into each other again. It’s time for you to leave for the station, isn’t it?
    That radiant expression on your face....Oh, Olya, Olya....
    Naturally I’m glad it turned out this way. You’re so funny. Do you have to leave at once?
    Yes, in ten minutes. What in hell ever made me come to see that old grouch. Incidentally, you know, if he were younger I might actually have even been able to use him for some minor assignment. In tandem with Taubendorf, or something like that.
    Listen, let’s not talk about trifles right now. When we were saying good-by before I restrained myself. But now I feel like rebelling a little.
    You call my work a trifle? Then it’s really true—you were lying to me?
    Alyosha, you know perfectly well I was lying to you. If you chose to ignore it, it’s your business. Tomorrow, maybe, I’ll regret that I blurted all this out to you. But right now I can’t help it.

Olya, please, don’t blurt.
    No, no—wait. We’ve already said good-by, haven’t we? You’ve left. Imagine that you’ve left. And right now you’re only reminiscing about me. There’s nothing more honest than reminiscence.
    Olya, I’ll tell you one more time: my work, to me, is.... Anyway, you know that without my having to tell you. But here’s something you don’t know: I’ve done things after which any personal life—affairs of the heart and so on—is impossible for me....
    Oh, Alyosha, this is all silly nonsense. I’m sick and tired of it. Since fate decided we should meet now, I know what fate wants.
    Last year, when I was in Russia, the following incident occurred. The Soviet sleuths got wind of something. I sensed that if I did not take resolute action they would eventually get to the bottom of it. And you know what I did? I deliberately let three people, minor pawns in my organization, go before the firing squad. Don’t start thinking I regret it one bit. I don’t. That gambit saved the whole project. I knew perfectly well that those people would accept the entire guilt, rather than betray the least detail of our work. And the trail vanished into thin air.
    That’s all very frightening. But I fail to see how it can change anything. Even if you began forging bank notes, that wouldn’t change anything. Really, Alyosha, let’s talk like humans.
    But how, with a life like that, can you expect me to have room for any sentiments or attachments? And the main thing—and I’ve told you this already—is that I don’t want anybody being afraid for me, thinking about me, waiting for me, agonizing if, because of some stupid quirk of fate.... What are you smiling for, Olya?—it’s silly.
    If you didn’t love me, you wouldn’t care whether I was afraid for you or waiting for you. And, you see, I’ll be much less afraid if you leave knowing that I love you. It’s very funny: I love you a thousand times more than I did at

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