Melting the Ice

Melting the Ice by Loreth Anne White

Book: Melting the Ice by Loreth Anne White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loreth Anne White
Tags: Suspense
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“I got my med training through the British military. Cut my teeth treating troops out in places like Zambia and the Middle East. That’s before I specialized and went into research.” He closed the door behind him. The room felt suddenly empty.
    Hannah sat forward and squinted into the light coming through the diaphanous white drapes, the bed covers falling to her waist, exposing her breasts. She noticed the indentation in the pillow next to her, the rumpled sheets. He’d lain beside her. She touched the depression in the pillow with her hand. His head had rested there. The thought filled her chest with a spurt of tenderness, but it brought pain, too.
    She remembered all the nights she had spent lying in bed, thinking of him, missing him, the pillow beside her empty.
    She looked down at her breasts. She had no panties on. He had lain next to her naked body. She moved the covers aside and gingerly set her feet on the floor, testing, before transferring her full weight onto them. She eased herself into his pants. The T-shirt was not so easy. She had definitely damaged a rib.
    Hannah reached for the phone. The number would show up on his hotel bill but she figured that was okay. It was her mother’s telephone number and there was nothing that would give her son away.
    “Mom, hi, it’s me, how’s Danny?”
    “Hannah, are you all right? You sound strange.”
    “I’m fine.” She attempted a casual laugh. “I—uh—I tripped when I was out running and I knocked my head. Got a bit of a shock, that’s all. I’m fine, really.”
    “Have you seen a doctor? You could have a concussion, you know, and not even be aware of it. Remember that football player in your ninth grade class? He—”
    “Mom, I’m okay. I saw a doctor. He’s…he’s taking good care of me.” Rex was taking good care of her. He made her feel safe.
    “How’s Danny, can I speak to him?”
    “Oh, he’s great. Jim and I are loving his company. I’m so glad you let him come. Jim’s taking him fishing again today. I hope to put trout on the menu tonight. Ellie and Frank are coming over for dinner. Frank still keeps asking after you, you know. Oh, here’s Danny.”
    “Hey, Mom.” Breath hitched in Hannah’s chest at the sound of his clear little voice. She tilted her head back and scrunched her eyes so that tears wouldn’t spill out. She was a mess of emotion.
    “Hello, my boy.” The thought of nearly losing her life, not being there to take care of him was overwhelming. She had to let him know he had a father, someone besides her mom who could be there for him if something happened to her.
    But would Rex Logan be there for Danny? Hannah wasn’t even sure who Rex Logan really was. She thought she’d known. Now all she knew for sure was that he was a mysterious stranger who lurked in a sinister and secret underworld.
    “Mommy, are you there? Did Gran tell you I’m going fishing with Uncle Jim? We’ve got worms an’ everything. Gran’s packed us a picnic.”
    Hannah strained for a sense of normalcy. “Ugh, worms. Why doesn’t Jim teach you to fly fish, sweetie, it’s much cleaner.”
    “It doesn’t matter how you catch ’em as long as you catch ’em and we have to catch some fish ’cause Gran wants to cook them for dinner.”
    “Well, be careful of those hooks, honey. And, Danny—”
    “Yes, Mom.”
    “If you need to speak to me over the next couple of days, try calling me at the office.” Hannah brushed a small tear from under her lashes. “I’m probably not going to be at home much, sweetie. I’ve got lots of work to do before you get back.”
    “’Kay, Mom.”
    “I love you, sweetheart.”
    “Love you more.”
    “Not possible. Now, go get Gran for me.”
    Sheila McGuire took the phone. “You still there, hon?”
    “Still here. Are you sure you’re okay to drive Danny back?”
    “I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t been up to White River for a while now. Jim’s not coming, though. He’s promised to

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