Magic at Silver Spires

Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant

Book: Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
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would never be the same again. Then Sasha had got upset too and it had gradually spread round us all.
    â€œWe’ve got to find a way to stop it happening!” Emily had declared dramatically, and that was when Nicole and I had told the others our plan to ask Mrs. Stockton if she’d have a word with Papà to try and convince him that he’d be harming my future career if he took me away from Silver Spires.
    But now I was actually here in English class, I found that my heart was beating much faster than usual and my mind was running over and over what I was about to say.
    When the bell went, I knew that all my friends who were in set one and set two for English would be crossing their fingers for me and Nicole would be – what did she call it? – yes, sending me her best vibes. And I also knew that when I’d finished talking to Mrs. Stockton I’d find them all waiting outside this room for me.
    Around me, everyone was packing away their books or shutting down their computer programs. I was going through those motions too, only very slowly to let the English room empty of students. Mrs. Stockton had dismissed us and now she was tapping away on her laptop at the front.
    I carefully eased my way on my crutches to the front of the class. “Er, sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Stockton, but I was worrying if I could have a word with you.”
    â€œYou were worrying ?” she said, looking up at me with a smile.
    â€œWondering,” I quickly corrected myself. But actually “worrying” probably explained it better.
    Mrs. Stockton got a chair for me and gave me her full attention. “Yes, Antonia. What can I do for you?”
    â€œIt’s a bit complicated. You know I’m leaving…”
    â€œYes, I do. I shall be very sorry to lose you. Your English has come on in leaps and bounds, and you’re also a joy to teach. I think all the teachers are feeling sorry…”
    â€œWell, you see, my dad is worried in case something else happens like my accident, because he feels very far away. And I’ve tried to explain to him that the school can look after me fine, only he won’t listen. But there’s another important reason why I want to stay at Silver Spires and that’s because I want to get better and better at languages…especially English…so I can be an interpreter or a translator when I grow up. But when I try to explain that to Papà he still won’t listen, because he’s made his mind up about taking me away. So, I wondered if you might be able to talk to him and tell him I’m doing…all right with my English…because you understand about languages…and he might listen to you.”
    There. I’d managed to get through the whole speech almost word for word as we’d planned it. Now I just had to wait.
    Mrs. Stockton’s expression was impossible to read. She’d been looking me right in the eyes all the time I’d been talking and now she was still looking at me, as though she was trying to get inside my brain.
    â€œWell obviously I think you’re doing brilliantly with your English,” she said eventually. “You’re excelling.” She blinked a few times, as though she’d just been in a daydream and now she was collecting her thoughts. Then she leaned forwards, her hands clasped together, her thumbs rubbing each other. And when she spoke, her voice seemed slower and softer. “Now, this is quite a difficult situation, Antonia, because, as your parents’ decision to take you away was very sudden and unexpected, it doesn’t really leave us any time to be putting forward an argument against your leaving Silver Spires, however reasonable that argument might seem. Have you…actually talked to your father about wanting to work with languages when you’re older?”
    â€œEr…not really.”
    Mrs. Stockton blinked again and looked down at her clasped hands.

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