“Just checking.”
Didn’t he have more important things to do than check? Not that I minded. Any excuse to look at him was a good excuse. I did my best to seem indifferent to his handsome features. I fantasized about kissing those lips so many times. He could probably see the desire on my face everyday. Hopefully, I was doing a better job keeping my feelings in check now.
“So, what’s new with you?” he asked.
He never asked me something like this. He stuck to business related topics, at least when we were in the office. “Nothing, really. How about you?”
“How’s that kickboxing class?”
He remembered ? “Good.” Then I realized he probably remembered because of Danielle. He was intent on sleeping with her, whether she was gay or not. I was surprised he was still pursuing that. He clearly wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted.
“You look in shape,” he said. “It must be working.” He gave me a smile.
Did he just compliment me?
“You have plans for lunch?”
“No. Just a date with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”
He chuckled. “You want to get lunch with me today?”
He never offered before. “Uh, sure.” Was I just imagining this or was he looking for excuses to spend time with me? I had to keep my heart in check otherwise Nathan would crush it all over again. I’ll never forget the way it felt to stand in the middle of the crowd and watch him hit on a blonde at the bar. I felt abandoned.
“Great,” he said. “I’ll see you in an hour.”
Nathan and I went to a deli just across the street from the building. We ordered our food, and I was surprised when Nathan paid for my meal.
“I can get it,” I offered. “But thanks.”
“I insist.” He handed the card to the cashier.
I knew it was stupid to argue so I just said, “Thank you.”
We took a seat near the window then unwrapped our sandwiches.
Nathan watched me while he ate, his eyes scanning every inch of my body and not just my face. “You look nice today.”
“Thanks.” I felt the heat flush through me, making me warm in every place. First, he was talking to me at the office and now he was having lunch with me. River was a genius. His plan might actually be working.
“I like what you’ve done with your hair.”
He noticed I cut it? “Thanks.”
He chewed his food and remained quiet for a while.
I kept my gaze averted and felt nervous like I usually did. I didn’t know what to say. Nathan wasn’t intimidating but he constantly made me anxious. I thought about every sentence before I said it, wondering if I should say it or not. I was always aware of my frantic heartbeat. Spending time with him wasn’t pleasurable as much as overwhelming.
He finished half of his sandwich then wrapped up the other half. “So…how’s it going with that guy?” He asked it casually, like he didn’t really care about my answer.
“Good.” I didn’t know what else to say. River said it was important to say as little as possible.
“So, you guys are still together?”
“Not together,” I said. “But we’re seeing each other.”
He nodded. “Does that mean you’re seeing other guys as well?”
Uh, how do I answer this? “No.” I hoped that was okay.
“What does this guy do for a living?”
I noticed he never asked what his name was. “He’s a computer programmer for a company.” It was the most vague thing I could think of.
“Did he go to college?”
“Yeah.” What did it matter?
“Are things getting serious?”
“They are about the same.” Was Nathan into me? He’d never expressed this much interest before. I would have to ask River what I should do next. But if Nathan really did like me, wouldn’t he just ask me out? Or was I overanalyzing the situation, something I was notorious for?
“Cool.” He never used that word.
I finished my food and felt uncomfortable. Nathan was staring at me but I was too nervous to stare back. I had to pretend to be indifferent to him. That
Elizabeth Wein
L. Grubb
Maggie Lehrman
Jesse Bastide
Libby Fischer Hellmann
Elizabeth Lowell
Lori Hendricks
Miss Read
Gregg Braden
Kealan Patrick Burke