Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel

Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne

Book: Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Arcayne
his coffee to brew, Adeen told him about the funny dreams she had had the night before, about sailing to an island that was owned by a group of giant ducks and their quacks had been deafening. Adeen wanted some honey nut cereal, which they both ate at the table. Guy hadn't been around kids like this since before his father had died and he had stayed over at his older brothers house. He had two young boys, 3 and 5 at the time. No matter the personality of kids, they all seem super placid and cute at breakfast, but slowly came into themselves as they woke up and would be running around the house while their parents tried to get them dressed for the day. He could already see that Adeen, by the fact she was a girl or just from her upbringing, was a much more gentle, and thoughtful child. He felt he could handle her, she seemed more curious than anything else. Just interested in the world around her and trying to understand things.  
    Guy heard some movement upstairs and as he poured himself another cup of joe, he took out a bowl and spoon and mug for Darla. She came down and greeted them both with a cheery good morning.  
    "How did you sleep last night?" Guy asked her.
    "Really good, the best sleep I think I've had since mom got sick. I think I was gone after my head hit the pillow!"
    "She was, I could hear her snoring." Adeen snorted herself, as she laughed at her joke.  

    After breakfast and everyone had got ready for the day, they sat around the table and talked about what the plan was going to be, since this was supposed to be instead of Adeen going to writers camp. The plan was going to be, after breakfast each weekday morning, they would do a morning workout, a swim in the sea and some laps around the island. After this they would decide on what Adeen was going to write her short story on and then her and Guy would spend until lunch time doing some writing, in the afternoon they would read the book that had been chosen to read and discuss. After dinner was for relaxing, time together and board games. As it was Sunday, they decided to go out in the boat and do some fishing for the morning.  

    The weather was fine for sailing, clear sky with a little breeze, but not cold. The summer was just around the corner and they could feel the change in the air. They passed a few other boats as they sailed out to the edge of the bay. Guy didn't recognise any of them as residents of the islands, but they wished them all a good day. They stopped when Guy felt they were in a good place. He didn't have any tech for finding fish, it was a simple boat, and he fished just how his father always had, by just stopping the boat and going for it.  
    Adeen was less icked out by the bait then he thought she would be. His own sister had hated fishing, preferring to stay at home with their mother and garden or bake bread for the boys return. Thinking about it, she may have hated it as they teased her relentlessly with the worms, chasing her around the garden with them, she never had a chance.  
    He had given Adeen the use of one of his and his brothers old shorter rods and she made a good job of her first cast off. Darla joined in too and when they were all sitting there waiting for a bite, Darla started to sing a song. Low at first, almost under her breath, but then Adeen joined in and they both looked at each other and smiled, then began bobbing from side to side, singing a song about sunshine together.
    When they finished singing, they both laughed. Guy gave them a round of applause and told them they did a great job.
    "Wow, two ladies in my boat that can sing! I got real lucky."  
    "Can you sing Guy?"
    "No, not at all I'm afraid. I was blessed with the desire and need to sing, but sadly not the ability. You may or may not catch me singing in the shower if you stand outside the door though."
    Adeen giggled.  

    After about two hours Darla finally felt something on her fishing rod. She reeled it in and it was a decent sized halibut, so Guy

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