Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel

Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne Page B

Book: Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Arcayne
arms around Darla’s waist and she draped hers around his neck. They kissed and this time it was more intense, his tongue moved over her tongue and their lips brushed gently together. He moved his hands up her torso, gently stroking her back, she ran her fingers through his hair, gently stroking his neck. After a few minutes, they pulled away together and Darla giggled.
    "I'd like to make love with you. It doesn't have to be now, but..." Guy was saying as Darla cut him off.
    "It can be now. I mean, I want to too and why wait until tomorrow what you can do today?"
    Darla took him by the hand and walked into the cabin. She paused and looked up towards the upstairs bedrooms. Guy took the lead this time and led her towards his parents old room.
    They walked in and closed the door behind them.


    Adeen woke up early, she looked at her mothers phone, which was sitting on the night stand. It was eight o'clock. She saw that her mothers bed was made and presumed she had snook out at some point to make breakfast. She threw on her dressing gown and slippers and walked to the window. It was a beautiful blue skied day, there were some birds in the garden pulling up worms from the ground and flying though the air eating tiny insects she couldn't even see. Excited about her writing class today with Guy, she skipped out the door and down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen, but there was nobody there and no food cooking up. Hmm, she thought, hoping they hadn't gone out on the boat without her. She looked around the living room and then from outside heard a persons laugh, it sounded like her moms.  

    "Hey you two, I was looking for you everywhere,” she said to them.
    They were both sitting on the swing chair drinking their morning coffee. Guy's arm was around Darla’s neck and her mother was holding his hand.  
    "Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" her mom asked, as she kissed her on the forehead.  
    "I slept great, you didn't wake me up with your snoring. Can I have breakfast now?"
    "Sure do you want me to make you some toast?" Darla asked.
    "No, I'll just have cereal. Morning Guy."
    "Good morning, are you prepared for your task ahead?"
    "I'm ready, I've got a great idea for my story."

    Adeen whipped herself up a bowl of cereal and ate it sitting out on the porch with Guy and her mom.  
    "I think I may take the boat out and have a look around at the other islands today, while you two are being scholarly."
    "That’s a great idea. Take the spare radio with you just incase there is a storm warning, you never know out here." Guy said.
    "Good idea. You need help picking out your clothes, or are you okay? I'm just gonna go in and shower." Darla said to Adeen.
    "No, I'm fine, thanks mom. I'm coming in now too, hang on."

    Guy sat alone thinking about the night before, Darla was a beautiful woman, could it be that they were now a couple? He was already very fond of Adeen, he felt that he was growing to love the two of them in different ways, but so strongly that it would break his heart this time if something didn't work out.  

    Adeen used the bathroom and got ready before her mom used the shower. Darla came outside and gave Guy a sneaky kiss and embrace.  
    "You know, Adeen won’t have a problem with us being a couple, if you are worried about that. She near enough harassed me the night I came to dinner, she was wondering what was wrong with me that we weren't already in love after our few days together here. At that time I knew I liked you and found you attractive, but it wasn’t until Adeen brought up dating you that I thought it was something I should even think was possible.”
    "Oh, I know, she is a little matchmaker. You were all she would talk about when I could get her to talk, when my mother was sick. Kept asking when we were gonna see you again." Darla laughed.  
    "Kids can sense a secure, responsible adult I guess,” he said smiling.  
    "I'm done mom." Adeen shouted from the hall.

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