Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel

Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne Page A

Book: Love Revealed: A BWWM Sweet Romance Novel by Lydia Arcayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Arcayne
thought anyhow. After that, they each brought in another one. Guy decided that was enough fish for a few days for them, so they sailed back home.  
    Darla told Guy she had the perfect recipe and said she would cook dinner for them. She took one of the larger fish to share for herself and Guy and a smaller one for Adeen. She sliced up a lemon for the fish which she was going to grill on the barbecue. Guy followed her instructions and took some of the large potatoes from the kitchen and slicing them crossways, filled them with a couple knobs of butter and some fresh herbs from the pots of plants he had picked up at the supermarket with Adeen. Adeen had insisted they needed fresh herbs in the cabin, that now that she grew her own in the garden, she would always use them in cooking. So he added some chopped basil and parsley. Adeen helped him to wrap the three potatoes in foil and they brought them out to Darla. She put the spuds on first, it was a lovely old coal grill, which Darla loved as it added more of a flavour to the food. They set about gutting the fish. Guy was happy again, when Adeen surprised him by not being grossed out by that. He himself as a kid had been thoroughly disgusted when his father showed him how to gut and debone a fish the first time. Now he was an old hand at it, which of course Darla was too. Adeen had watched it done many times before, but her mother felt she was too young to handle the sharp knives. It's a pretty messy job and with her young hands it would get too dangerous. She was happy to watch them get to work though. Darla was leaving the skin on and as the potatoes were getting closer to being done, she placed the fillets skin side down on the grill. The flames quickly singed the skin, giving it a nice crispiness. Flipping them over quickly she waited a few minutes, not too long and they were done. She served the fish and the baked potatoes with some mixed salad and some balsamic and olive oil dressing.  
    The meal was enjoyed by all, and was followed not long after by Adeen asking what was for dessert. They decided on vanilla ice cream in a bowl with toffee sauce poured over. As the evening drew on, Adeen said she was going to her room to read and then to sleep, it had been a long and adventurous day and she was feeling pretty tired. Her mom followed her up and they sorted out the sleeping arrangements and made the beds. After Adeen was dressed for bed and snuggled in with her book, her mom gave her a kiss on her forehead and told her she loved her.  
    "Thanks mom, I love you too. Goodnight."
    "Goodnight darling."

    When Darla came downstairs, Guy was sitting outside on the porch swing. She went outside and joined him.
    "She settled for the night?"
    "Yes, she's reading, but I'd say she'll be out like a light in a few minutes, she had a pretty fun filled day."
    "Yeah, I had fun too, thanks for taking me up on the offer to come out. I know it must be tough to leave your sister right now, after your moms close call."
    "Well, I know she has a nurse with her, so I'm not feeling too bad and Monika's kids will be home by now. It's good for us to get away. I feel like all I've talked about lately is sickness and hospitals. It's nice to talk to somebody who isn't family you know."
    "I get that, I went through the same thing when both my folks were in the hospital. I found a glass of wine with a close friend always helped."
    Guy reached down beside him and brought up a bottle of wine and two glasses.  
    "I hope you like white?"
    "Yes, I do,” she said smiling.  
    "Cheers" Guy said, as they clinked glasses.
    "Cheers, heres to having a nice island getaway and getting to know each other better."

    They each took a sip and were looking into each others eyes. Darla put her hand on Guys knee and he leant in and kissed her. He pulled away, smiling, hoping to see a similar reaction on her face. Darla was smiling too. They both moved in closer, this time placing their glasses on the table. Guy wrapped his

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