Teton Splendor

Teton Splendor by Peggy L Henderson

Book: Teton Splendor by Peggy L Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy L Henderson
    “Miss Sophia,” a shrill voice interrupted her. Joseph grinned. Apparently his time alone with her had come to an end. And he certainly hadn’t put his best foot forward.
    From the front of the boat, Lucy marched toward them, a determined look on her face. In the next instance, a loud explosion boomed through the air, and the deck rocked violently.

    Chapter Eight
    The steamboat’s boilers exploded in a blast so loud it would rival the most violent clap of thunder. People screamed as bodies were hurled through the air. The acrid smell of smoke and fuel filled Joseph’s lungs. He grabbed Sophie around the waist, and whirled her around to face away from the horrid scene.
    “Lucy,” she screamed, her eyes wide with horror. She strained against his hold, trying to look over her shoulder. Joseph pulled her tightly to him, holding her head against his chest. She didn’t need to see this. 
    Most of the upper deck had shattered, people screamed in terror, and lifeless bodies fell overboard. Passengers on the upper deck who’d been spared in the explosion jumped for their lives into the strong current of the river.
     In the chaos, animals that had escaped death and their hold in the cargo area ran amuck on deck. His own horse and several others leapt into the water in a panic. The gelding was still fully saddled, and for a split second, Joseph cursed the crewman he’d paid to tend his animal. Then he quickly realized he wouldn’t have to search for his belongings in all the chaos. His horse would swim for dry land. Finding the gelding later was the least of his worries at the moment. Further up the deck, Lucy was lying facedown on the ground.
    The boat rocked violently and the deck tilted, then lurched downward. Joseph braced his legs to maintain his balance. The strong current of the Ohio towed the craft along, even as it began to sink. There was only one way to escape certain death.
    “We have to get off this boat,” Joseph shouted above the noise all around them. He gripped Sophie’s upper arms. The terror in her eyes wrenched his heart from his chest.
    “Lucy,” she stammered. “We have to get Lucy.” She squirmed against his tight hold.
    Staring into her horror-struck eyes, Joseph nodded against his better judgment. He held tight to Sophie’s hand, and pulled her along behind him. Together, they ran down the deck to where the maid had fallen to the ground, dodging people and debris.
    “Lucy,” Sophie sobbed when they finally reached the woman’s body lying on the ground. Sophie dropped to her knees. Joseph knelt beside her, shielding her from panicked people all around them. Slowly, he turned Lucy onto her back. One side of the maid’s face was covered in blood and black soot, a deep gash below her hairline. Her large bosom moved up and down in rapid succession as she gasped for air. Her head turned slightly, and she smiled at her charge. Sophie threw herself at her maid, sobbing uncontrollably.
    “We’re going to help you, Lucy,” Sophie cried. “Just hold on. Joseph will help you.”
    Lucy lifted her arm, and she grasped Joseph’s hand. Her glazed eyes stared up at him. “Please. Take good care of her,” she rasped. At a loss for words, Joseph merely nodded. Her grip loosened, and her arm fell to her side. A soft smile froze on her face, while her lifeless eyes continued to stare up at him. The boat lurched again at that moment, and the wooden deck groaned ominously. Sophie’s hand shot out, and she grabbed his upper arm to steady herself, renewed fear and panic in her eyes.  They couldn’t waste any more time. They had to get off this boat now if they were going to survive.
    “We have to go,” he shouted, and pulled Sophie away from the body. Joseph hated to leave her beloved maid behind. Sophie cared for the woman deeply, but it made no sense to risk both their lives for a dead person.
    “No,” Sophie shrieked, fighting his hold on her. “I won’t leave Lucy. Let

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