
Liar by Joanna Gosse

Book: Liar by Joanna Gosse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Gosse
Sarah for lunch at Movenpick. They spent a happy, giggling day ogling all the wonderful things none of them could afford to buy. China spent the rest of her ten day holiday dividing her time between Sarah and Jane and Tina. She revisited the art gallery where she used to work, museums, and her favourite restaurants. She went to movies with Jane and played hours with Tina, and fell happily to sleep each night, exhausted from the demands of her beautiful grand-daughter.
    The time passed too quickly and before she knew it, China was giving Tina a tearful hug goodbye while she waited for her taxi.
    “Why do you come to see me if you’re only going to leave again?” asked Tina turning her face away.
    Oh God, thought China, she sure knows how to twist the knife in a grandmother’s heart.
    “I’ll come to see you soon, sweetie,” said China blinking back her tears.
    “Do you think you can make it for her birthday?” asked Jane trying her best not to cry and make matters worse.
    Tina’s birthday was in May and China resolved to be back in Toronto for her sixth birthday if it meant she had to swim there.
    “I’ll be here,” said China firmly.
    She climbed into the taxi and gave a final wave and a brave smile to Jane and Tina. Then she dissolved into silent tears as the taxi took her away from the two people she loved best in the world.

    ~ ~

One Mountain

    As China did the breakfast dishes, she worried about the rent and felt momentarily guilty that her trip to see Jane and Tina had probably caused trouble with the budget. Then in the next moment she decided that was nonsense because her earnings from the sale of her art had paid for at least half the trip. Then she worried once again about asking Sam when the bank transfer from Larry was due. China tended to worry a lot due to Sam’s penchant for don’t worry, be happy.
    “Sam,” China hollered, “where are you?”
    “I’m coming my beloved.”
    “Sam, what will we do if the bank transfer doesn’t come today?”
    “It will. Don’t worry.”
    “But what if it doesn’t?”
    “We won’t be kicked out of town for being late with the rent.”
    Sam came up close behind China and unerringly found her nipples.
    “How do you do that?”
    “Do what?” asked Sam, nuzzling her neck.
    “Find my nipples so accurately.”
    “I have nipple radar in my fingers. Cunt radar in my cock.”
    “Don’t say that word,” said China primly.
    “Which one? Cunt or cock?” asked Sam, nibbling her ear.
    “Cunt. It’s obscene.”
    “No, it’s not. It’s not my fault if nasty people use it in a nasty way. I feel very respectful, even worshipful, whenever I think of your cunt. Vagina is much too clinical. Would you prefer quim?” asked Sam.
    Sam lifted China’s skirt, slid her panties down, spread her plump cheeks and thrust his penis into her quim. Well almost. China had to adjust, rise up on tiptoe, lean over the sink, and raise her hips to allow final entry.
    “Well,” said China weakly, “quim seems a bit too prim and too Old English. My Great Aunt Martha called it a broach.”
    “Really? Never heard it called that before. However, I don’t want to put my cock in your broach. Sounds too much like an insect,” said Sam, as he grabbed China’s hips and quickened his thrusts.
    “How about cave, or cove?” asked China, as a wave of dizziness and desire drowned all thought of rent and washing dishes. All she could think of was the frantic feeling in her cunt, quim, broach, cove, cave, vagina.
    “No, cove sounds too fishy. I prefer a cave that’s hidden, dark and cozy,” whispered Sam.
    “OK, cave it is,” gasped China.
    She didn’t climax completely. Sam’s cock wasn’t at the right angle, didn’t touch the right spot. Just a piece of the pie. She pushed him away and turned around. Sam unbuckled his trousers and let them drop around his ankles. China untangled her feet from her panties and Sam backed her up against the wall. The heat in his eyes caused

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