I’ve met a lot of tough girls in my life, but none quite like her. She can be tender, sweet, and fun loving, but she’s not someone you want to cross like I just did. You can trust me about that. “I really don’t think she’ll be able to make it through it.”
    “You don’t think so? I mean, she’s stronger than she used to be. She has me.” I know that sounds cocky, but it is what it is. She’s no longer alone. I refuse to let her fall.
    “I don’t know. I just think it’s best if she doesn’t know. I don’t know why. Maybe because I remember.”
    “All right. I’ll do my best, then. Are you going to be okay? Not like I can do much for you from so far away.”
    “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She sniffs. “I’ve gotta go study. I’ll bury my head in anatomy and medical terminology.”
    “Okay,” I chuckle. “Call me if you need me. I’m here.”
    “I know. Bye, Bradley.”
    “See ya.”

It’s been about a week since I found out about Gabe. I’ve been able to keep my promise to Sam, but it’s been eating me alive. I haven’t had time to really talk to Sam much. I’ve been covered up with trying to talk Gabby into switching her study locations to be closer to our house. I’ve also gone every night to check on Roni.
    They’re hanging in there. The doctors are more and more optimistic each passing day. I’m still not sure how I feel about that whole ordeal. Part of me is positive this isn’t my child and the other part of me is growing attached already. Every time I hear that heartbeat and see Roni’s stomach move, I become more intrigued with being a father. I just wish it was being the father of mine and Gabby’s child.
    I haven’t been sleeping well since I found out about her father. Even though I had been getting up with her some after she moved here, she refuses to wake me up if I’m not already awake. My cell phone starts to ring and I know this is my morning wake-up call even though I was already awake. I heard her leave, and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I swipe the screen to answer. “Morning, Gabby Girl.”
    “Morning, Mr. Banks.”
    “What do you have planned today?” I ask as I climb out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee.
    “Emmi had to cancel a study session next week so we’re doing an extra one this week. So I’m meeting her at Gi Gi’s to study after class.”
    “Still studying at Gi Gi’s, huh?” I roll my eyes and frown. She is so stubborn.
    “I told you. Emmi picked the place. I feel bad asking to change it. I don’t know why it’s all the sudden a big deal to you anyway.”
    “Don’t want to argue with you this morning.” I take a sip of my scorching coffee.
    “Me neither,” she exhales. “Typical day for you?” And clearly she’s changing the subject. I really am not in the mood to argue about this whole Gi Gi’s thing. I’ll make it my mission to give her enough incentive to change her study location. I have to get her away from him.
    “Yeah. Meetings all day. Thought I’d swing by and check on Roni and the baby later.” There is always tension when I mention them. I can’t stand it. “Then I was going to see if you wanted to meet for dinner later?”
    “Dinner’s fine. I guess I’ll talk to you later, then?”
    “Just call me when you’re done at Gi Gi’s.”
    “I will. Bradley...”
    “I love you,” she whispers.
    “Love you, Gabby Girl.” We both pause like we used to on the phone, except I know for me I have a much heavier heart during the pause than I used to have. “Have a good day.”
    “You, too.”
    She hangs up first. I guess it’s just the thing with Veronica that has her so upset. I don’t know what else it could be. I decide to go ahead, get ready, and head into work early.

    I’ve been sitting at my desk all day working with the door closed. Well, trying to work. My ADHD is usually very well controlled, but today I can’t seem to focus on anything of importance.

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