and take them two at a time until I reach Veronica’s floor. I rush through the door and to the nurses station, planting my hands firmly down and trying to catch my breath. “Mr. Banks. Come with me. We need to get you sterilized.”

    Apparently Emmi has some personal stuff going on right now. She called at the last minute and had to cancel this session, as well. I was already at Gi Gi’s so I decided to go ahead and stay and study. I don’t know what it is about this guy, who I think is the manager or owner of this place, but he absolutely creeps me out. I always feel like I have eyes on me, and when I turn to look, it’s always him. He tries to act like he’s not been looking at me, but I know he has been. I haven’t told Bradley because I know he will freak. I’m already having enough trouble with him being okay that I meet Emmi here. If I told him I wasn’t comfortable that would be it. The last thing I need is to piss off my tutor and then not be able to get credit for this semester.
    I stare out of the window as I daydream and realize that I’m not going to be able to get any studying done today. My mind is just not in the right frame of mind. Maybe it’s also that Emmi isn’t here. For some reason, this guy is making me even more nervous than he normally does.
    Reaching down, I pick up my bag and start to quickly shove my stuff into it. I pull my keys from the hook on the inside pouch. I toss my empty coffee cup in the trash closest to the door. Maybe I’ll surprise Bradley at the office. I can’t get that shower makeout session out of my head. It sends shivers down my spines and goose bumps erupt on my skin as the temperature changes from the warmth of the shop to the cold air outside.
    When I get to my car, I quickly close and lock the door. I don’t know why I’m so nervous and jumpy today. I just don’t have a good feeling about this guy. I roll my eyes as I look at the roof of my car. You’re just being paranoid, Gabby, because Emmi isn’t here.
    I put the key in the ignition and turn. Nothing. It doesn’t even turn over. There is a click, and that’s it. It doesn’t even attempt to start. I cross my arms over the steering wheel and bang my head. This is the last thing I need right now. Then I remember the conversation with Bradley that first morning in Thomson. That boyfriends fix girlfriend’s cars. It brings a smile to my face. I pull my phone from my pocket and quickly dial his number.

    I haven’t even had time to think about whether I wanted to be in an operating room watching a child be delivered, a child that I don’t even know if it belongs to me. But I realize this child, no matter who’s it is, deserves to have people here cheering for it. This child is a life. Veronica needs someone, so I don’t think much more about this decision.
    I can’t believe my ears when I hear my phone start to ring. It never has gotten reception in here and now of all times, I do?
    She shakes her head. “You have to turn that off. We barely have time to get you dressed. I’m so sorry.”
    I pull it from my pocket and notice that it’s Gabby, and God I want to answer it. I lift my brows and glance at the nurse. She says, “I’m so sorry.”
    I look away and close my eyes and power down the phone. That decision is ripping me apart. I feel like I’m choosing Veronica over Gabby. I am choosing them right now over Gabby, and there is something that feels so very wrong about that. But I know this is the right decision. I shove it back into my pocket and push my arms through the sleeves of the blue gown she’s holding for me. She gives me these foot things to put over my feet and then the ever so fashionable hair cap. The last thing is the mask. I put it on, and then someone lets me through another set of doors and I’m in the cold, sterile operating room.
    I glance around to take in my surroundings. There are a ton of people in this room. They are frantically working and talking. I’m taken to

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