Savannah Past Midnight
fangs are bared and the black pupils are just adding to the
shocking sight.
    With difficulty she rasps, “Get … get away from
    She looks scared out of her mind. What
    “Cosette, what’s wrong? Talk to me, sweetheart.” I
take a step toward her to comfort her but she shrinks away into the
corner, yelling, “No! I’m about to bite you! Get away!”
    She’s hungry? I’m furious that she’s holding
back when she needs something. I lash out, “Then fuckin’ bite me,
woman! Take what you need, I don’t give a shit! I just want to give
it all to you. Don’t you think that the thought of you drinkin’ my
blood hasn’t crossed my mind before now? I’m not that fucking
dense. Gimme some damn credit!”
    She stares at me for a long, tension-filled moment
and finally rasps out, “Please, please, Colton, at least go into
the other room. I need time to get my emotions under control.
Please … the urge is so strong and I’m worried that I won’t be
able to control myself with you. I’m begging you.”
    Give and take. You’ve waited this long to get close
to her. Don’t piss her off now. The possibility that she would ever
harm me is stupid as shit, but I’ll give her what she wants. This
time around.
    “Fine. You have ten minutes then I’m comin’ back in
here to get ya.”
    She nods once and I can’t help but think how
beautifully vulnerable she looks with her long black hair covering
her breasts as she stands drenched and naked before me. My dick
starts to harden at the thought of sinking into her once again.
    I snap a towel off the rack and stalk into the
bedroom, closing the door firmly behind me, reluctantly giving her
the privacy she pleaded so desperately for.
    I briskly towel off, trying to calm my surging
emotions. I had hoped that the shower session would lead right to
round two in my bed, where I could make slow, sweet love to her for
the next two hours.
    What the hell happened?
    I toss a Duraflame log into the fireplace and use a
Zippo to light each end. Securing the towel tightly around my
waist, I cross barefoot to the bed and flop down onto my aching
back, the tension and intensity of the past several hours finally
taking its toll. I glance over at the bedside clock, which reads
2:17 a.m. Light streams out of the bathroom as she suddenly
emerges. I prop myself up on my elbows to watch her. I sigh because
she’s dressed and that’s something I’m not fucking happy about in
the least.
    Hesitantly she replies, “I really need to go.”
    “I do somethin’ wrong, somethin’ you didn’t like in
that shower, babydoll? I can handle it. Tell me.”
    Her dark brows draw together and she vigorously
shakes her head. “No. No, it was nothing like that. Honestly. It’s
just ….”
    She trails off and looks away, staring at the leaping
    I’m not giving her the chance to keep what’s going on
to herself.
    I growl, “Look at me. It’s just what? ”
    Now blue, her eyes fly to mine. “You were right. It’s
just that I wanted to taste your blood. Desperately.”
    “And that’s a problem how ?”
    “That’s a problem, Colton, because I crave it so
badly that there is a strong probability that I wouldn’t be able to
stop myself. I could very well kill you, drain you dry! Does that resonate with you?”
    I bark out a laugh. “Shit, girl, you wouldn’t be able
to kill me. I can handle you and that situation.”
    I only catch a glimpse of her fury as the final word
slips past my lips. Before I know it, she’s moving in a blur,
pinning me down, straddling me with a vice-like hold on my
    “You think you can handle a vampire? Truly? Show me.
Show me how strong you are, Colton. Do it.”
    I’ve never heard her voice so flat and detached
before, and it sends a shiver of discomfort up my spine. I swiftly
brush the feeling aside, saying, “All right then.”
    One hand closes around her slim wrist and the other
latches onto her upper arm. I use

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