Fallen Blood

Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Page A

Book: Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
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    In more than one way.

Chapter 10

    The big white truck came to a stop just outside a small motel. The rain had been nonstop for the last few hours, and it seemed like a good time to stop, as there was currently a pause in it's downfall.

    "Bobby, you wait here and watch her while I get a room." The trucker smiled and nodded. Heather took that moment to wake up, and stretch.

    "Where are we, Brian...Brian?" She asked as he started to walk away. He had no idea how much time he had before the next downpour, and he really wanted to avoid it, but then, he didn't want her to jump out of the truck and follow him to talk to the motel clerk. That would be real hard for him to explain, so he doubled back to let her know what was going on.

    "I'm getting us a room."

    She looked around quickly, trying to get her bearings.

    "it's okay, Heather. I figured we should take a break."

    "Are you sure we should stop?" She asked

    "Yeah, we're a ways from town now. If they were going to find us, I think they already would have. Besides, wouldn't you like to eat something?"

    "Yeah, that would be good." She smiled at him.

    "Wait here, I'll get us a room."

    "Hey, kid." Bobby spoke up.


    "Could you see if there's a room for me, too? I'm bushed and hungry." Brian nodded, and headed off across the street to the motel's office. He wasn't all that sure letting Bobby stay was a good idea. He had intended to just let him drive on and forget the two of them, but having a ready-made driver did seem a bit tempting to him right now. The real problem was what he had been thinking about the entire ride. To tell Heather or not to tell her? Every show he ever watched had always shown the girls being furious with the man for not letting them in on their secret. Yes, he knew that was only the movies, but he couldn't help but wonder if any of that was true. He had real feelings for Heather, and he really wanted to let her know how he felt. But would she feel the same for him if she found out later what he was? He really had to chance telling her now. He didn't know exactly what he was going to do if things didn't go his way, but he had to at least try to reach her.

    The clerk was easy enough to suggest, it may have helped that the sun was mostly gone. His abilities always seemed to be strong when the sun was down, proving, at least in his mind, the truth of what he was. He could see Heather peering over Bobby as he walked to the drivers side of the truck and dangled two sets of keys.

    "Thanks kid, you're a lifesaver. I thought I was going to drop here pretty soon.."

    "No problem, it was the least I could do for you." The big man climbed down and helped Heather down as she followed after him through his door.

    "How much do I owe you?" Bobby started pulling out his wallet.

    "You don't owe me anything." Brian lifted his hand up

    "Nonsense." The trucker said, "Fifty bucks cover it?"

    Heather reached over and took the money as Brian was about to tell the man no again.

    "Thanks, Bobby, we appreciate it." She smiled at him.

    "It's the least I could do. You two kids need all the help you can get. Well, good night, I'm going to go get a quick bite to eat first." Bobby said, as he headed toward the little cafe that shared the same parking lot with the motel.

    "Heather, you didn't need to take that..."

    "Do you have any money, Brian? Because I sure don't, and he was asking to help us."

    "We can do this without help, Heather, you just have to trust me."

    "I do trust you...somewhat, but I just don't understand some things."

    "I know, and I'm going to try and clear it all up for you if I can."

    She stared at him for a second, and he wondered what she could possibly be thinking. Did she think he was lying, and just putting it off, or did she really believe him? She nodded after a moment.

    "Are you sure I'm not going to be taking a nap again real soon?"

    He swallowed hard when she said that, but before he could answer her, she turned and headed

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