Fallen Blood

Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow

Book: Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
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in rapid succession as another gunshot fired. Brian then heard the clatter of the shotgun hitting the ground.

    That was a bit unexpected, he thought. Oh well, it's now or never . Running as fast as he could, Brian shot around the end of the car, prepared to attack whichever agents were standing up, hoping against hope that his speed would be enough to take them off guard. To his surprise, he found both agents and the sheriff laying face down on the ground. a pool of blood forming under each of them. Hmm. That didn't go as planned , not that he had a real plan. He supposed he'd hoped the sheriff would have arrested both agents and taken them back to headquarters, where he would have had to explain why he thought they were terrorists. Who knows? Maybe they were? Running to the side of the other cruiser, he could see Heather sitting back there wide eyed.

    Opening the door, he told her to be calm as he reached behind her and snapped the cuffs off her wrists.

    "Brian did you see that? Brian...What are you doing here?"

    Brian smiled and lifted his hands apart "Why, rescuing you, of course."

    The sound of tires screeching as air brakes hissed announced an eighteen wheeler coming to a stop. A large, overweight trucker with a black baseball cap jumped out of his cab as it came to a full stop. "Does anyone need help?" The man yelled, as he stopped and stared at the dead officer and agents. Brian rushed up to him and looked him in the eyes.

    "You're going to help us."

    "I'm going to help you," The man repeated. "You want me to call for help?" He pointed at the bodies.

    Brian shook his head as he led Heather to the truck, "No, I'm sure they're fine."

    The man looked at him blankly, then stumbled back to the truck and climbed in.

    "Where to?" He asked.

    "Just drive." Brian answered.

    The man stepped on the gas and the big rig lurched forward.

    "I'm Bobby," the man volunteered.

    "I'm just keep driving." Brian responded, deadpan.

    "Okay, Brian..." Heather looked at him strangely.

    "What?" Brian shrugged.

    "What's going on?"

    "I told you, I'm rescuing you."

    "Brian...You're just the boy next door. At least...I mean, that's what I thought before all this happened."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Let see, where should I start? How about you taking out several police officers at my home? Or those guys in black at Chucks? Or how you got that sheriff to help you save me. Come to think of it, why are all these strangers risking their necks for us?"




    Heather stared at him wide eyed for a second. "I think I'm going to sleep now. Good idea." She made herself comfy then laid her head on his lap. In seconds she was sleeping.

    "Wow, I'd pay a pretty penny for that trick." Bobby laughed, as he drove along.

    "I'm sure a lot of people would." Brian answered. At the moment, he felt sorry that he could. How was he ever going to have a real relationship with her if he kept doing that? He just panicked, and he didn't know what to do. it seemed logical at the time. The problem was that she would just ask the same questions again later. There was no way of getting around it. Either he was going to be constantly putting her to sleep, or he was going to have to make her forget it all. He might be able to do that, but he just didn't like the sound of that.

    If that's all he wanted, why didn't he just suggest her years ago? He could have had her then, Chuck or no Chuck. No, he didn't want her that way. He never wanted her that way. He needed her to want him legitimately.

    The problem was, would she want him once she knew what he was? The possibility of losing her, especially after all he did for her, was unbearable. He didn't know if he could live with it. Like it or not, he might soon have to find out if he could. The overcast sky started to drop rain onto the windshield, and the trucker turned the wipers on. Their rhythmic scraping filled the cab.

    "Looks like it's going to be raining" Bobby said looking up at the

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