Fallen Blood

Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Page B

Book: Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
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off to the little cafe that Bobby had just went off to. Well this is going to be awkward. Not only did she seem to notice something was up, but by going to a public place, she was putting it off and letting him squirm for a bit. He was just going to have to, he guessed. At least he had time to think about what he was going to say, not that he thought it was going to help. He had been going over it in his head the entire ride.

    Bobby looked up from a cup of coffee as Brian walked into the cafe. The trucker lifted his cup to him when he saw him. Heather had already taken a booth, since the sign at the door said seat yourself. He wasn't really hungry for food right now, but he thought maybe a piece of pie would be nice, and since Heather had fifty bucks, he wouldn't have to suggest anyone.

    "Thought you were going to get some sleep, what's with the coffee?" Brian asked Bobby as he went past him.

    "It's decaf." Bobby smiled, then did a fake yawn with his other hand.

    The waitress was just getting to Heathers booth as he slid in on the other side of the table.

    "So, can I get you some coffee, Love?" The little waitress asked Heather.

    Heather shook her head. "How about a coke and some fries."

    "Alright." She started writing on her little tablet. "What about you, Hun?" She asked Brian.

    "Um...Some water and maybe some cherry pie?"

    "Sorry no cherry, how about strawberry rhubarb?"

    Brian nodded "Sure, that would be good,"

    "Alright, I'll have that order up in a jiffy." She walked off.

    "So you're going to tell me." Heather looked at him expectantly.

    "Not here. When we get to our room." Brian said as he looked around

    "Why not now?"

    "Because it's a secret."

    "Brian, you're very strange. Like a mystery in a mystery."

    "Why do you say that?" His stomach was starting to feel queasy. He intended to tell her everything...well, almost everything, he figured he'd leave the dreams out. But he didn't expect her to be the one in control about it. He wanted time to ease into it. To let her get used to some of the ideas involved.

    "Well, let's see...where do I start?"

    "Heather, I'll tell you later, I promise."

    She smiled at him. Warm and genuine, and he was surprised that her hand slid across the table and grabbed his. "Brian, I know, I trust you now." She pulled back her hand, but the feel of her touch remained. It had been warm and soft, and he would have sworn that he felt a little electric charge surge through him when they touched.

    The waitress interrupted his thoughts as she slid the pie in front of him. "I figured you wanted it now." She said, as she put his cup of water down.

    "That's fine." He said.

    "Yours will be up in a minute, Sweetie." She smiled at Heather as she left.

    "So what brought on this change of heart?" He asked, as he cut a piece of the pie off and ate some. It was actually pretty good. He had to admit, though he didn't eat much any more, he still had a sweet tooth.

    "What change?" She feigned innocence, and he kind of liked this game she was playing.

    "The trust?" He asked as he took another bite of pie.

    "Well, you have rescued me how many times?" She smiled, perking up. "I'd say that makes you my hero."

    "Well, yeah, I guess..." He was sure he had to be blushing, and from the look she gave him, he guessed she noticed it as well.

    The waitress walked up and slid a massive plate of fries in front of Heather. "Anything else?" She put a bottle of ketchup on the table.

    "Yeah, could I get a bottle of mustard, too?"

    The waitress gave her a strange look and crinkled her nose for a second. "Coming right up."

    "Mustard?" He asked conspiratorially to her.

    "What? It reminds me of Hamburgers, and I like to mix it up and dip in it when I'm not really that hungry." She smiled, as Brian made a face.

    "Why not add a some relish or pickles while you're at it?” he asked.

    She laughed and gave him that smile again. "I think that would be pushing, it silly."

    The two of them sat there and

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