Don't Call Me Kitten!
the quartz
crystal over your heart. They will protect you. Do not try to
attack the grey thought form that holds him. It is a powerful
collective consciousness and will attack you back if you try.
Instead simply observe it and surround it with the healing energy
drawn from the spaciousness within your heart and mind.”
    Tyra accepted
the protection and the wisdom. She pulled down white light through
her crown chakra as Simon had taught her. She connected her heart
and mind and then she approached.
    Arion and Thex
continued to hold Peter down but they moved a little to the side to
make space for her.
    She knelt next
to the agro councillor and laid two hands on him, one on his heart
and another on his forehead.
    “What the
bloody hell do you think you are doing woman?” He growled but the
weight of manpower on him kept him still.
    “Oh hush.” She
opened her heart at the precise moment she visualised him as he
would be if his life was full of love and happiness. A pale green
healing light of compassion streamed from her heart and a blue
healing ray from her mind, wrapping around his heart and mind.
    The man
writhed, as if in pain then suddenly stilled. “What have you done?”
A confused smile lighted his face. “I’ve never felt...what is
    Simon smiled
somewhat kindly at his old foe. “That would be joy old man.”
    “Come now, it
doesn’t feel so bad does it?”
    “Joy, love,
happiness, trust and passion. You know they are foreign words to me
    “Only because
you made it so fool. You and all your denier mates and your crazy
ideas that any emotion, even positive, clouded your experience of
the all-spirit. But connect now and tell me what you feel.”
    Peter seemed
loathe to obey his old foe but grudgingly closed his eyes and found
his connection with the all-spirit. It was then that Tyra realised
what he was. Oh, my, he’s a Malakim isn’t he?”
yes but his sect split from us long ago. They don’t believe the
relative world has any value so we call them deniers. They are
anti-love, pleasure, women, the sacred feminine...anything that
they think might divert them from what they consider a pure, mind
based and emotion free experience of the one mind. A few came to
earth to meddle, claiming to teach a path to enlightenment and in
part they did but it is that, only partial. In their ignorance they
remained stuck and couldn’t evolve any further. Isn’t that right
    Peter opened
his eyes, stunned by what he’d just experienced. “The all-spirit is
not what I thought. Boundless light and spaciousness yes, that I
always knew, but the limitless love and joy, the power to create in
the relative world. It is all but it is also in all. I’ve been a
fool. Shit we should have been allying ourselves with you guys all
along, not the Din.”
    Arion swore.
“You allied with the Din? Have you any idea of what they did to us?
What we suffered?”
    Peter winced.
“Yes I did know and I thought it well deserved, your ways were
repugnant to us. In my defence I would say that we didn’t come to
this planet until long after the Din had taken it. We thought the
Din’s enslavement of mankind would create untold violence, greed
and suffering that would drive a few to our cause. I’m sorry, we
were so wrong.”
    Thex let his
hold on the man go but kept a watchful eye on him in case he
reverted to earlier form. “All this is well and good but how do we
know you’re truly cured of your delusion?”
    Simon mused
for a moment, rubbing his chin absentmindedly. “What we need is a
chocolate fudge sundae and a girly magazine.”
    Tyra spotted
some cakes on the catering table and went to grab one. It wasn’t
traditional Malakim food but it would do for a test. Arion looked
amused for a moment then disappeared, reappearing with a magazine
in hand. “From my own personal collection back at Boswell.” He
handed it to Simon who opened it to the centrefold.
    “Not bad, not
bad at

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