Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens

Book: Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla Stevens
something you’re not telling me, Kay?”
    I smile at her, and she knows I am hiding something.
    “I told you I won’t tell you everything because I don’t want you to know how evil I really am. Now go get some sleep and be ready to leave at five am.”
    “Holy hell! Are you out of your fucking mind? That’s before the chickens even get up.”
    “Well, I can leave you here.”
    “No, no that isn’t necessary. I’ll be ready. We will need to stop by Starbucks first thing.”
    “I can handle that.”
    My phone rings, and I see its Damon.
    “Hello Damon.”
    “Hey Birmingham. We are headed to the airport.”
    “Okay, your tickets are there. Talk to you soon.”
    “For sure.”
    The call ends again.
    “Go to bed VI. I love your face.”
    “I love yours too.”
    She gets up and leaves the patio. I follow and walk over to my closet and pick out my clothes. I choose a pair of old jeans, a tank top, and an old sweater. I grab my tennis shoes, jacket, and my black knock off purse. I lay them on the chair by the vanity.
    Garrett walks in and sees that I have clothes laid out.
    “You’re serious? You’re really going shopping?”
    “Yes Garrett, I am. VI is going with me, so calm down. We’re leaving at five in the morning.”
    “I can’t believe that you are going to do this. He has already hurt both of you once.”
    “Garrett, I can’t live my life in fear any longer. I’ve lived that life and I am over it.”
    “Kayla, you’re insane. Why go out looking for trouble?”
    “Would it be better that he come here and hurt me in my own house? I don’t think so, Garrett. I am over my fear of him. He can’t hurt me anymore.”
    “How do you figure? He can kill you, and you know as well as I do, he will do it if he has the chance.”
    “I’m not going to stay cooped up. I’m sorry, but this is not open for discussion.”
    “You’re hiding something. You’re too calm.”
    “I am hiding nothing, Garrett. I am going shopping. I have a home to decorate for Christmas. Tomorrow is the biggest shopping day of the year. I have not missed a Black Friday sale since I was sixteen, and I will not miss this one.”
    “I don’t understand you. I don’t see your logic.”
    “I’m asking you to have faith in me. It will all work out.”
    “I can see that I’m not going to win this battle.”
    I tap him on the shoulder and tell him, “No babe, you’re not. Let’s go to bed. I’m tired, and I have to get up in a few hours because I have a dent to put in my credit card.”
    “Okay, let’s go to bed.”
    We get into bed, and I lay on my side with Garrett behind me. I can feel his erection forming, so I stick my ass out further and hear him hiss.
    “Babe, you are making things rise up down there.”
    “Who? Me? Never. I’m an angel.”
    “A naughty angel in the nicest way possible.”
    “Babe, fuck me, please?”
    Without hesitation, he was inside me.
    I roll us over and am on top of him. He is holding my hips and grabs my breast.
    “You’re so sexy.”
    I glance down at him and his eyes are rolling back in his head. I know it won’t be long now before his release so I do a hoola-hoop motion a couple of times and that’s all it takes. He is saying my name as he climaxes. It isn’t long before I find my release.
    I collapse on his chest and listen to his heavy breathing while he runs his hands down my spine, sending chills down my body.
    He whispers, “I know you’re hiding something babe, but I am going to trust you.”
    I act like I don’t hear him and calm my breathing. It doesn’t take long before I’m asleep.

    Time for a Lesson
    “The best road to progress is freedom's road.”
    ~John F. Kennedy
    I can’t say I ever really fell asleep. It was more like I dozed on and off throughout the night. Garrett on the other hand was sleeping—his snoring was his giveaway but I can’t say I mind because he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
    I get up at four-thirty and get

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