Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens Page B

Book: Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla Stevens
slapped and before I know what is happening men come out of hiding and grab Elijah. They have a black sack over his head.
    I hear him scream, “You set me up, you fucking whore, and I swear you will pay for this.”
    I look over at Damon who is smiling. I know he is going to have a good time because he can’t stand rapists. His sister was raped.
    I hold up six fingers, letting him know I will be back in six hours.
    He shakes his head, and then Elijah is taken inside the warehouse.
    VI is pulling me into the beast. She has the keys and throws me inside before placing the truck into drive and peeling out of the parking lot.
    “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
    “I agree VI. Let’s go shopping.”
    “Wow! Really? We aren’t even going to talk about him?”
    “No we aren’t. I want to go shopping. I have things to buy.”
    “Okay, where are we going first?”
    “Well, let’s start off at the mall because I might be able to get everything there instead of going to several places.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Girl, you know I got you. I wasn’t going to let you do this on your own.”
    “I know and I’m thankful for that. I was scared shitless back there. He is just so unpredictable, but enough of the heavy. Let’s go spend some money.”
    We get to the mall in a few minutes and it’s starting to rain hard outside.
    “Hey VI, look! There is a parking spot right up front.”
    “Hell yes!”
    She whips the beast into the parking spot. I take my purse and throw it over my chest sideways. She hits the alarm on the beast and we are walking arm and arm into the mall.
    “So what all is on your list?”
    “Well, I have to get something for everyone, but I know what I’m getting Garrett. I guess we can start there.”
    “Oh, what are you getting him?”
    “I’m buying him a cross necklace. He has been trying with his faith lately and I want to get him something that could help.”
    “That’s a great gift. He’ll love it.”
    We end up getting everyone something at the jewelry store. I bought Patrice a beautiful ring that says mom on it. I got Rodney an engraved money clip. Wyatt got a sterling silver flask that says Suck it, Buttercup . And while VI was busy getting her gift to Wyatt, I got her a gold ring with two dolphins. She has mad love for them. I also ordered her a dolphin cruise on a glass bottom boat. She will get a day of pampering from head to toe.
    “Kayla, there is a Christmas store right there. Let’s go in.”
    “Okay, I want to do white lights with silver decorations and a splash of hot pink.”
    “I knew you were going to say that.”
    We walk into this store, and it’s so beautiful. Everywhere you look there are Christmas ideas. Since I’ve never done the whole Christmas thing, I know my credit card is getting ready to have a major workout. I need everything.
    I look around the store and see do it yourself gingerbread house, lights in every color, lights that play music, and there are candy canes, bells, and garland. I grab a few of the apple cinnamon broom sticks, stockings, and decorations.
    I get candles and towels, and I look over and see an angel tree topper. It is gorgeous. She has blonde hair, green eyes, and a beautiful black and silver velvet dress. She also has silver wings and a halo. She is speaking to me and I know I have to have her. Looking around, I see a sales lady and I go ask for help, leaving VI to shop.
    “How can I help you today?”
    “I saw a tree topper that I am hoping is for sale.”
    “Well honey, you’re in luck. Everything here is for sale. Can you tell me where it is?”
    “Oh sure, it’s right back here.” We walk toward front of the store, and I stop where I thought the angel was. When I look up, it was gone.
    “Honey, there is nothing there. Are you sure there was an angel on top?”
    “Yes, but I guess someone else bought it.”
    I go back to the back where the registers are, and I tell them I’m

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