Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens Page A

Book: Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) by Layla Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layla Stevens
dressed. I walk over to the patio doors and check the weather. I open it, and can feel the cool rush past my legs and the rain pelts off the patio. This is perfect. The weather will wash away all evidence. I glance around and see a black vehicle parked down the street from my house. I know who it is, but I’m going to act like I don’t see him. In order for this plan to work, I need to act normal.
    I quietly leave the room and go wake up VI. Just as I raise my fist to knock on the door, it opens. I stifle a scream and put my hand over my mouth and on my heart.
    “You bitch! You scared the shit out of me.”
    “Sorry Kay, I didn’t mean to.”
    I whisper in her ear that Elijah is parked in a black vehicle down the road. She taps her purse, and I shake my head.
    “Come on, let’s go get Starbucks.”
    We gather our stuff, and I see a light on in the living room. We walk over and see Rodney there.
    “You girls really are going, I see.”
    “Yes,” we say in unison.
    “Well, since I can’t stop you, I want you to take this can of mace.”
    “Thanks Rodney.” I grab it and stuff it inside my purse. “Take care of the house for me while I’m gone. I have tons of presents to buy. Oh, be ready to unload my truck when we get back.”
    “Oh great! Really? I get the joys of being the muscle?”
    “You’re the one playing house with my mom, so yes sir, you do.”
    That gets a laugh out of him, and we walk to the door.
    When we walk out to the beast, I quickly unarm it and we jump inside. I turn the heat on, and VI turns the seat warmers on. It doesn’t take long before the truck is a perfect temperature, so I throw it into reverse and back out.
    We get out on the road, and I get a text stating Damon is in Seattle.
    I hit the automatic dial on the wheel, and Damon answers.
    “Birmingham, where are you?”
    “I am just now leaving the house, but we have company following us.”
    “Oh damn! He’s a quick one, isn’t he?”
    “You have no idea.”
    “Okay, so I did my homework on him. He has a temper, correct?”
    “Oh yes, very much so, and his temper is going to be off the charts today. His brother is dead, and it’s my fault.”
    “Okay, so what is the plan?”
    “I was going to drop VI off at the mall, but seeing how I have company, she’s going to have to ride along. I didn’t want her to be part of this, but it looks like I can’t prevent that.”
    “I know where there’s an abandoned warehouse.” VI says. “It’s actually condemned and due for demolition this week.”
    “Okay, can you give me the address? That’s where we’ll make the magic happen.”
    “Perfect, we’re only about a block from there.” Damon says.
    “Us too. I’m going to pull in and get out of the car. That is when I want your guys to grab him. Then VI and I will leave, and you can do whatever you’re going to do. Remember, I want him alive. I want the last face he sees to be mine.”
    “Done. Not a problem.”
    “We’re pulling in now.”
    “We’re here but hidden, so come on in.”
    I look over to VI and tell her I love her.
    “I love you too, Kay. Now let’s get this fucking bastard.”
    We step out of the beast at the same time. I walk to the back and see the black car pull in right behind me. A chill runs down my spine.
    He opens the door and says, “Superstar, you’ve been a naughty girl, and you need to be punished.”
    “Why are you following me? I know the police told you to stay away from me.”
    He moves closer to me and grabs my face.
    “You fucking bitch! You killed my brother. Did you actually think I’d stay away? Oh, look! You’ve brought me a play toy.”
    “Leave her alone you bastard!”
    I feel a sting across my cheek and taste the metallic taste of blood.
    “You fucking dick! I can’t believe you hit her. Have you lost your fucking mind? Didn’t your daddy teach you to keep your hands to yourself? Oh that’s right, you don’t know your real dad, do you?”
    That got her face

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