Cowboy Way

Cowboy Way by Cindy Sutherland

Book: Cowboy Way by Cindy Sutherland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Sutherland
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Gay, Western
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HEN they got back to the ranch, they gathered up the stuff theyd bought and went to put it away. Jake took the tack into the barn, and Ryan took the groceries into the house. Once he had all the food put away, he picked up his cell and called his Gramma Ida. When she answered, he could hear the smile in her voice. It made his heart ache for home.
“Hey, Gram, its me again.”
    “Ryan, my angel boy, Ive been waiting for you to call back. Did you find everything you needed?”
“Yeah, I did, thanks.”
“Youre welcome, sweetie. So, whats new with you? You sound happy!”
“Well, I love my new job, Gram, and I made a new friend.” He couldnt help the smile that came over his face at the thought of Jake.
“A new friend, huh? Must be some friend to put that smile in your voice.”
“I dont know yet, Gram, but well see.”
“So, my dearest boy, what about this horse that youve been taking care of?”
“Well, shes been pretty badly hurt, and Jake and the vet are having a hard time getting her healed up. I remembered the poultice you used to make, like the one you used on Magic? What do you say, Gram, are you ready to share the family recipe?”
His grandmother was chuckling. “Of course, Ryan. Do you have a pen and paper?”
Ryan grabbed some, and they spent the next twenty minutes chatting about the recipe and the best way to go about caring for Bella. At some point Jake came in and walked up behind him, wrapping both arms around his waist and pulling him close. Ryan relaxed back against him as he finished up his conversation with his grandmother.
“Okay, Grams. Thanks for the info, and Ill try and do things the way you would.” He snorted quietly; like he would ever get to be half that good.
“I love you, Ryan, and I am so glad that youve found some happiness.”
“Love you too, Gram. Say hi to Mom and Dad for me, and tell them Ill give them a call in a couple of days. And give the kids a hug for me!”
“I will, baby boy. Bye for now.”
Ryan hung up the phone and stood quietly for a few seconds before turning in Jakes arms and snuggling into his chest. Jake just held him closer and kissed the top of his head.
“You okay?” He rubbed his hands up and down Ryans back, trying to comfort him as best he could.
“Yeah, I just miss her.” His voice was muffled from talking into Jakes shirt. “I miss them all.”
“I know.” Jake didnt have any family, now that his grandmother was gone and his dad wasnt talking to him. It left him lonely, and he couldnt even imagine how Ryan felt, knowing they were there and feeling like he couldnt go and see them.
Ryan stirred in his arms, reaching up to kiss his jaw. “Thanks.” He gave him a tight hug before moving away to prepare the poultice for Bella.
Jake was content to just sit back and watch him work. Ryan was so intense when he was concentrating. You could tell it was something he was taking very seriously. He measured and mixed, talking to himself the whole time. Jake grabbed the iced tea out of the fridge and poured himself some, drinking it at the table, quietly.
Ryan was not the kind to clean as he went, so when the pile of dishes started to overwhelm the counter, Jake moved to the sink and started washing, catching the grateful smile his boyfriend gave him.
Wait… boyfriend? He tried it out in his head and liked the way it sounded. Boyfriend. Wow, sounded better every time he thought it.
Ryan was finally done and turned and caught the smile on Jakes face. “What?” It was the kind of smile that was contagious, and Ryan found the same one on his face. He walked up to Jake, who was still elbow-deep in the sink, and Jake reached over and kissed him on the cheek.
“Nothing, just thinking. Go do what you have to. Ill be out in a minute.”
Ryan grabbed the poultice mixture and the wrapping supplies he needed and headed out to the barn. He started whistling as he went out the door, and Jake just shook his head with amusement.
When the dishes were done, Jake

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