Chasing Soma

Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn

Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
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Chapter 1.
    “Come on man. It’s time to get her to agree to marry your sorry ass, so we can get the hell out of this shit town.” My best friend Peter tells me as we pull up at the diner where my girl started working two weeks ago. She wants to save up her money and buy a car this summer. I told her that she doesn’t need one. I will take her anywhere she wants to go, but she seems to think that I would get tired of driving her around. I never get tired of being with her.
    “I am asking her tonight.” I tell Peter as I park the car.
    “Do you have a ring?” He asks. I snort. What does he think I am, an idiot?
    “Yep, in the glove box. Check it out.” I point to the glove compartment. He opens it and pulls out the small blue box. He opens it and whistles.
    “This must have set you back a lot.” He says incredulously. It did. I used every penny I had saved for college. I decided a few weeks ago to join the military. I just need to tell Soma about it. I am not sure how she will react. I have loved her for years and normally I wouldn’t make a decision without her. I took the ASVAB this year because of my ROTC instructor wanted all of us to. I had no idea that I would score so high. I have had recruiters from every branch come out to talk to me. I have decided on Navy. I want to become a seal.
    Peter is joining too, though he doesn’t want to be a seal. He heard how hard it is to become one and he doesn’t want to go through all of that training. He wants simple after working on his family’s farm his whole life. I do not blame him. I just hope Soma will like what plans I have made. I need her with me. I love her more than I ever thought I could love someone.
    My parents had divorced when I was young. My mother moved to this town and worked as a school teacher until cancer took her from me a year ago. My dad who is on his third marriage and has a new baby, agreed to let me stay with Peter’s family until I graduated. Not that he ever really gave a damn about me or my mother. I didn’t believe that love could be real, until I met Soma and she has made my world turn upside down.
    “Do you think she will like it?” I ask Peter. How he would know is beyond me but I wait for his answer anyway.
    “Hell yeah.” He says and I smile. I really hope she does. I already have our future planned and all I need now is a yes from her to seal it.
    I grab the box from his hand and shove it my pocket. I climb out of the car and rush to the restaurant. I am suddenly very anxious to see her. I walk in and I am bombarded with the smell of fried foods. I find my regular booth that I know will be in her section. Peter sits across from me. He starts making jokes about the town slut, Marty. I ignore him as I look for the only woman I have eyes for.
    There she is carrying a tray of food. She stops at a table and empties the tray with a smile. She is good at her job and so damn beautiful. Her fire red curls tumble down her back and as she walks the sway around her waist. She has the world’s best body, full breast and rounded hips with a tiny waist. It is enough to make a grown man pant. What is the most beautiful about her, the first thing I ever noticed about her, is her emerald green eyes. They are large and almond shaped, nearly too large for her face and fringed in thick dark red lashes.
    Most red heads are freckled but not my girl. No, she has flawless porcelain skin. It flushes red to match her head when I tell her how beautiful she is. I will always be telling her that because it’s true. She can render me speechless or a babbling fool with the mere batting of her eyes. She doesn’t know the power she holds over me and I hope the day never comes or she will own my balls, not that she doesn’t already.
    She looks up and sees me. I wait to see the look she always gives me when she first sees me. The look that has my balls pulling up tight and my dick filling out and pressing dangerously against my zipper. It doesn’t come.

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