Chasing Soma

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Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
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Fuck. I try to rack my brain to figure out what I did to piss her off. Nothing comes to me. She goes back to the kitchen again and I look over at Peter. His eyebrows are nearly up to his hairline. He noticed too.
    “Hi Chase.” Marty says as she saunters over. I usually just ignore her. She has had a crush on me since the sixth grade and I never wanted anything to do with her, even less as we entered high school. She slept her way through every team player we have on every team in school, except me. I never liked her. There is something about her that just rubs me the wrong way, not that I would let her rub me.
    “Hey Marty, fuck any more football teams lately?” Peter says. They never got along. Peter is the one who took her virginity and he hates knowing that he created a monster. I think she hurt him and he likes to lash out at her. Who knows, neither of them talk about it. I ignore her and watch the kitchen door, waiting for my girl to reappear. When she does, she shoots daggers at me with her eyes. What the fuck is going on. Marty looks over her shoulder and smirks at Soma and I am about to says something when Soma points to the door and storms through it.
    I follow her out and the tears in her eyes nearly undo me. What the heck has upset her like this?
    “How could you, Chase?” She shouts at me. She has never raised her voice to me before. I move toward her to pull her into my arms but she holds her hands up.
    “Don’t you dare touch me!” She says as more tears stream down her face.
    “What is the matter?” I ask her. I have no idea what is going on, though I know it has to be a mistake. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her.
    “You cheating son of a bitch.” She screams. I am truly stumped. I would never touch another girl. Ever.
    “I never cheated on you.” I tell her. I am starting to get mad that she would ever even think that I could. I have shown her in every way that she is the only one for me. She starts laughing at me and it isn’t the soft, lyrical giggles of hers that I love so much. This is a mocking, tear your heart out of your chest laugh.
    “I can’t believe I ever bought all of your lies.” She laughs some more and I feel my very soul draining from my body as if she is sucking it out of me with every mournful sound from her lips.
    “I never fucking lied to you and I sure as shit never cheated on you.” I yell back. I gave her everything and this is what she thinks of me. She thinks I am nothing more than a cheater and a liar. It’s good to know that my two years of worshipping this woman was all for nothing.
    “Lies. More lies. Just leave me alone, Chase. Never call me again and do not come here when I am working.” She says barely above a whisper before walking away and taking my heart with her. The door slams shut behind her with such finality and I can’t help but feel as though my very life has ended. The life I had planned for us. The future that will never come. I would have fallen to my knees and stayed there if it weren’t for Peter, who came out and walked me to the car. He took my keys and drove us home.
    I bolt upright in my seat. Sweat is dripping into my eyes and my heart is still racing. I dream of that day constantly. It is the day my heart was destroyed. It was the day I decided that I would never love again. I think I have that dream now to remind me to stay away from women. My body will start to crave the intimacy and then I have this dream and I get over it in a hurry. I do not need that kind of drama in my life. I do not have a heart to destroy anymore, anyway. I left it in a small town in Colorado four years ago.
    I am just getting back from my latest mission and I am exhausted. I made it as a seal after grueling training. I love the strenuous workouts and the intensity of the missions we are sent on. If it wasn’t for our team things would be far worse than they are, trust me. We just got back from taking out a group of terrorist that were

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