Chasing Soma

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Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
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planning an attack on the United States. I didn’t even flinch in pulling the trigger on those animals. Far nicer way to go than what they had planned.
    The plane comes to a stop and I jump up with the rest of my team and grab my bag. I am looking forward to a nice hot shower and sleeping in a comfortable bed. I follow the others off the plane and listen to them talk about going into town to get drunk and their dicks wet. I have no interest in either. They seldom even ask me to go anymore because I always turn them down.
    We hop in the jeep. I join the others and hassle some of my teammates. We banter back and forth as we make our way to the base. The warm air feels good but I am really looking forward to air-conditioning. It has been so long since I have felt cool air. This mission lasted longer than any I have ever been on. I was gone nearly a year, tracking these men through the desert. It was worth it but I have missed all of the conveniences that most people take for granted.
    “Have you decided whether you are going to re-up?” Stevens asks and I shrug my shoulder.
    “I probably will. I will let them know in a month. What are you guys doing for your vacations?” I ask them. We get a four week leave as soon as we turn in our reports. I plan on getting mine finished tonight. I still have no idea what I am going to do. I will have to see what Peter wants to do. Last time he was able to get leave the same time and we went to Atlanta and stayed in a casino the whole time.
    “I am going home. My parents will be having their anniversary soon. I want to be there for it.” Hick says. We call him that because of his southern accent.
    “Let’s all meet up in Vegas in three weeks and we can all decide together if we will reenlist or not. I do not want to continue unless we are all in. I can’t trust anyone else to have my back.” Ramirez says. I have to agree. We all trained together. We went on missions together. I do not know that I would be standing here now if I was missing any one of these men out there.
    “Vegas it is.” I tell them as we all separate to go to our rooms. I open my door and see the mail I have missed spread all over the floor in front of the door. I notice one from Peter. I pick it up and throw the rest on my desk. I sit down and tear the letter open from Peter. I read it and smile as he tells me that he decided to go home and help his parents while he decides whether to reenlist. We only signed on for four years.
    I get to the bottom of the letter and he tells me that I need to come home. There are things going on that I need to know about. He says that I wouldn’t want to hear about any of it in a letter. I frown at his vague words. I am not sure how I feel about going back there. I never wanted to see that she has moved on.
    I run my hand over my face as I drop the letter on the floor next to me. I grab the stack of mail and start going through it. I see my seven year old pen pal has written. I smile. He is a funny little guy. Someday I hope to meet him. There are several letters written in a soft female handwriting. For some reason it seems familiar to me. It has no return address. I tear it open and I pull the letter out.
    Dear Chase,
      I am sorry it took me so long to find you. I know that my apology is long over do. I know that you didn’t do what I accused you of doing. I wish that I could take back those words I said to you that day. I would if I could. They have tormented me since I found out about their validity.
    I would like to see you whenever you have a chance. I know you probably don’t want to see me but there are many things that I need to discuss with you. Things that are better said in person. I really am sorry for the way we left things and I hope that someday you will forgive me.
    I read the words written by the only woman I have ever loved over and over again. She finally realized that I never cheated on her. Fat lot of good it does me now. I am equal

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