Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery)

Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) by Peggy A. Edelheit

Book: Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) by Peggy A. Edelheit Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy A. Edelheit
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tight as we flew by it at what felt like a breakneck speed.
    My heart was in my throat with every break and turn. Was he testing me? Pushing me? Being careless with my safety on purpose? I wanted to cry with relief when I finally caught sight of the village. I wasn’t certain whether I was more doubtful of Peter at that point or disappointed when nothing actually happened to me.
    After arriving at the village, I waved goodbye to Peter and turned away, more than a little uneasy by what sounded like a warning from him back there. I glanced back, but he was already gone. Where was he headed? Why the rush?
    I still hadn’t spoken to Clay after I’d made numerous calls. His voicemail was wearing thin. Where was he?
    I started to cross the street to the hotel, but was yanked back onto the ski path.
    “What the…”
    A hand quickly covered my mouth. “ Shh … It’s us.”
    I twisted around to face my mugger: Betty . Hazel was beside her. They started talking at the same time. I couldn’t make head or tail of what they were trying to tell me.
    “Hold on! One at a time!” I said, just then noticing they were dressed for a late run with their skis and poles.
    Hazel came in real close. “Something is going down.”
    Then Betty added, “This caper is becoming perilous.”
    “Who? Where?” I demanded.
    I swear, I expected to hear, ‘right here in River City.’
    Those two were so cliché driven, as was Martha, that it drove me nuts. But then it was probably the era they grew up in. I couldn’t help but snicker, expecting more of the same until I was finally able to get to the real reason why they stopped me.
    “What are you both trying to tell me: bottom line?”
    “Martha is missing!” said Betty.
    “Call Interpol,” Hazel said dramatically.
    “…Martha is missing? Are you sure?”
    “She was to meet us, but never showed up,” said Betty. “Remember she was going to hunt up that cleaning couple, Carlo and Maria?”
    “When was she to meet you?” I asked.
    “About two hours ago,” said a distraught Hazel.
    “And Mona?” I asked.
    “We looked for her too. We have no idea,” said Betty. “She went out looking for Herr Kraus, remember?”
    Now I had two missing women unaccounted for and two frantic friends. What happened to my dream vacation in the Alps, Swiss chocolate and romance with my gumshoe?
    “Have either of you two seen Clay?” I asked hopefully.
    “No,” said Betty, “Since it was an emergency, I called his room, but got voicemail. He doesn’t answer his door.”
    They turned to go.
    “Hey, where are you two going?”
    “Checking out a tip on the case,” said Betty rushing off.
    “Before it turns dark,” added Hazel waving goodbye.
    Everybody was giving me the brush-off, why?
    “…What kind of tip?” I yelled, but they didn’t hear me.
    As I approached our room, I caught the tail end of an ornately carved walking cane entering the opposite suite.
    Must be an elderly guest: so much for that mystery.
    Entering our suite, I froze. Martha and Mona were there.
    “Where have you been? Hazel and Betty were so upset.”
    “Bad karma struck then Mona’s backpack beckoned.”
    I was venturing into the land of the unknown.
    “I’m fleet of foot, but this? Uh-uh,” complained Mona.
    Angry, Martha leaped out of the chair she was sitting in.
    “ We were being stalked. How’s that for an opener?”

    Chapter 47
    Who Was Following Who?
    “The tables were flipped on both of us,” she added.
    I tried to decipher her Martha-speak, but couldn’t. “As usual, I’m confused. How about a few more details?”
    Mona cut in. “Martha tried to track down that cleaning couple from the hotel, but ended up being followed by what appeared to be, from your description, your ski-clad Hans.”
    Martha leaned in. “Forget Kraus, Mona found herself being followed by Carlo and Maria, our cleaning crew.”
    “We couldn’t shake them,” said Mona. “When we saw each

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