Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery)

Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) by Peggy A. Edelheit Page B

Book: Death Knell In The Alps (A Samantha Jamison Mystery) by Peggy A. Edelheit Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy A. Edelheit
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wouldn’t have a gun stashed in that backpack, would you?”
    “Now how would I get through airport security?”
    “One thing is for sure with her backpack,” said Martha.
    “What’s that?” I asked.
    “We won’t starve to death or dehydrate out here.”
    Mona turned on her. “Lay off old lady. Don’t venture into areas that might prove detrimental to your well-being.”
    “What do you call this, the happy hour?” Martha asked.
    “Okay, okay, stop it, Martha. What do you suggest?”
    “Let’s at least check it out before something bad…”
    I held up my hand to stop her. “We got the message.”
    “Hey, look!” said Martha pointing. “Isn’t that smoke?”
    It was seeping out from some of the windows.
    This was bad. “Those flickering lights must be a fire!”
    Martha turned to me, “Even though you said that place was Fort Knox, maybe we should try to at least break in.”
    “Well, we can’t stand here looking. Let’s give it a try.”
    Mona grabbed my arm to stop me. “Maybe it’s a trap.”
    “For who?” said a voice from behind us.

    Chapter 49
    Things Heat Up
    Startled, the three of us turned back to look.
    Hazel and Betty were staring right at us.
    “Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes,” chuckled Martha.
    “It’s Sherlock Holmes and Watson,” laughed Mona.
    Martha glanced toward the chalet then back at Hazel and Betty, demanding, “Now, where have you two been?”
    “We’ve been behind that tree,” said Betty pointing.
    “Wondering what you three were up to,” added Hazel.
    Betty appeared puzzled. “Why are you three here?”
    “Looking for you two,” I said.
    “We were told to come here,” said Betty.
    “Did you get a note too?” asked an anxious Hazel.
    “What note are you talking about?” said Martha.
    “It was slipped underneath the door,” she said
    “Well, what did it say?” asked Mona.
    “It was a map leading here to find some evidence.”
    I stared at Mona and Martha. “Why send them here?”
    “It said to go inside the chalet to find it,” said Betty.
    “Of course,” said Hazel. “We’re much too smart to enter that deserted looking place without scoping it out first.”
    “Then you three showed up,” added Betty. “So…”
    A loud explosion came from the Chalet.
    “Holy Moses!” exclaimed Martha turning.
    No one said a word. The flames spoke for us.
    Then Betty whispered, “That could’ve been us inside.”
    “Fried to a crisp,” Hazel added, starting to shiver.
    “Now why in hell would they send two old ladies to a bomb-rigged chalet?” asked an enraged Mona.
    “Maybe it went off prematurely,” said Martha, “or…”
    “…Their main target was already inside,” Betty added.
    Hazel sucked in a breath. “…Do you think Clay got a note too? That would explain why we couldn’t locate him.”
    We stared at the fire. I dropped my poles, unsnapped my skis and began running across the yard to the chalet, safety be damned. Footfalls sounded behind me. I glanced back. Mona was on my heels followed by Martha and the others.
    “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Mona yelled.
    She was closing the gap between us. I turned to her.
    “If there is a breath left in me and if Clay is in there…”
    “Don’t think it, Sam,” she said, now panting beside me.
    We arrived at the burning structure breathing hard.
    “Clay!” I screamed.
    “Try the door,” ordered Martha. “We might get lucky.”
    Betty and Hazel brought up the rear, breathing heavily.
    “Dear God,” said Betty. “Think he’s really in there?”
    “Maybe his note said we were in there,” gulped Hazel.
    The front door was locked. I rammed my shoulder against it. Mona joined me as well as Martha.
    It didn’t budge.
    “Lord almighty,” Martha hollered. “This can’t be!”
    It was a futile effort.
    Hazel fell to her knees reaching under big empty pots on the ground. “Martha shine your keychain light down here.”
    “Now what in hell

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