Sweet Texas Fire

Sweet Texas Fire by Nicole Flockton

Book: Sweet Texas Fire by Nicole Flockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
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for you. I know you said you’d wear it, but if you’d prefer not to wear a ring, I’m okay with that. We didn’t really talk about rings, did we?”
    “I said it before, but in case you need to hear it again, I’m happy to wear the ring. It’s different and I like different. What is the black stone?”
    She moved back, breaking the contact between them. “It’s black agate. I wanted to get something that symbolizes you.” She briefly touched the smooth edge of the ring before running her finger over the rough surface. “Smooth on the outside, but complex on the inside. The stone is my way of acknowledging your passion for oil.”
    “I’m complex, am I?”
    “Well, aren’t we all? But yes, I do believe you are complex, and I’ve only seen the shiny surface. I’ve not seen the ragged depths that have molded you. I think there is so much more I could learn about you.”
    If her words upset him, he didn’t show it. No one liked to have their character questioned, and while she didn’t actually question him, she did truly sense there was something behind Gage’s motivation to succeed. But did it really matter to her if she found out all his secrets?
    A clearing of a throat behind them broke the spell surrounding them. Charlotte turned and saw Phil, papers in his hand.
    “Time to get the formalities over and done with, and then you can begin your married life. Ruth has been taking photos, and let me say, she has got some lovely shots of you both. You can have your formal shots taken after we’ve dealt with this.”
    She looked over her shoulder; there in the corner stood Ruth with a digital camera in her hand. Charlotte had been so focused on Gage, she hadn’t noticed.
    “If you write down your e-mail addresses, I’ll make sure to send you a link to them so you can download your favorites,” Ruth offered.
    A half hour later they walked outside, officially Mr. and Mrs. Gage Cooper.
    The car that had driven her to the chapel was still parked out front, the driver leaning against it looking at his phone. He looked up when they approached and smiled.
    “Congratulations,” he commented as he opened the door. “Back to the hotel?”
    “Thank you,” Gage acknowledged. “And yes, back to the hotel.”
    The car had seemed so big when she’d been the only one in the backseat. With Gage occupying the seat next to her, the space appeared to reduce in size. It was a silly notion because the interior of the limo was spacious. But Gage’s masculine energy pulsed around the space, filling it until it seemed like she was driving in one of those tiny smart cars.
    All of a sudden it hit her: The last hour and a half hadn’t been a dream. She really was married to a man she had nothing in common with.

    Gage’s palms were sweaty as he reached into his pocket to extract the key to their suite. The concierge had seen them arrive, so by now the celebration dinner and champagne he’d ordered before he’d left for the chapel should be all set up on the balcony. Food would be resting in warming trays, champagne chilling in a bucket of ice.
    “So, Mrs. Cooper, welcome to our little home away from home.”
    Mrs. Cooper.
    That was the second time. He didn’t know why he felt the need to reinforce their marital status by calling her that. Hell, she probably wouldn’t even legally change her name. Why would she, when their marriage was only temporary?
    “Thank you, and come to think of it, we haven’t discussed our living arrangements yet, have we?”
    That was true. They’d talked about flights and marriage license requirements, but they hadn’t discussed what would happen after they tied the knot. He assumed they’d move into his condo together. He was sure Charlotte’s company wasn’t paying for her to live in a penthouse like he did.
    “Let’s talk about it on the flight home tomorrow. This is our wedding night. We’re in Vegas. Let’s enjoy ourselves.”
    Charlotte looked like she wanted to

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