Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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    She squeezed Andy’s hand and fell back behind him as he took the spotlight, a position she was happy to let him have. She put on a proud smile without having to fake it. She was so happy about how Andy had turned his life around.
    “Hello, everyone, I’m Andy. I’ve spoken before, and some of you may know me and my story already, but I wanted to share it to celebrate an achievement in not just my recovery but also the recovery of the love of my life. We are both 30 days sober, again. I’m sure you all understand how recovery can be a never-ending cycle. For me my temptation was always sitting right in front of me almost every single day. Where I worked, the people I hung out with, they all had blow with them.” Melanie nodded to herself as Andy stopped short of saying what his job was. It still wasn’t the kind of thing you went around saying to people, even if it was technically anonymous.
    “I was bound to get back into it after being a year sober. I just want everyone to know that slipping up isn’t the end of the road. You can pull yourself out of it again. I was lucky enough to have the beautiful and incredibly sexy woman behind me to help me through. She understood my plight having an addiction to beat herself, and I still don’t know how I deserved it. But here we are in this amazing place in life, and I finally for once feel like I deserve the good things I have. Keep trying, and you can have that too.”
    Melanie politely clapped with the crowd, feeling herself still blushing from his mention of her being sexy. As he turned around and wrapped his arm around her, she whispered into his ear. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get in my pants in front of all these people.”
    “Maybe I am,” he chuckled back giving her waist a little squeeze. She couldn’t help but smile as they took their seats and waited for the rest of the meeting. Melanie found herself feeling impatient knowing that Andy had something planned for that night. He refused to tell her what and had even brought a blindfold for when they left the meeting. Thank goodness they’d driven her car. She didn’t think she was ready for a thrill like being blindfolded on the back of a motorcycle.
    When Martin came up to them at the end of the meeting, she was embarrassed to admit to herself how distracted she’d been through the whole meeting. Even after all that time with Andy he still occupied her mind all the time. “Before you guys go, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Martin said with a big grin on his face. Melanie snapped to attention wondering if he’d finally found a woman. He totally deserved it even with his short stature and nerdy looks.
    Sure enough, a girl walked out from behind him that made Melanie’s eyes almost fall out of her head. She was as short as him, which was a good thing, but she was beautiful and looked to be at least ten years younger. She had a blonde pixie cut and bright blue eyes that made her look innocent like a little girl. She even bit her lip as if she were shy. Way to go, Martin!
    “This is Alice. We’ve actually been seeing each other for a couple of months, but we wanted to keep it on the down-low until we knew it was serious.”
    Melanie tried not to laugh at his choice of words. “It’s so nice to meet you!” she said enthusiastically while shaking Alice’s dainty hand. “How did you two meet?” She directed the question at Alice with a friendly smile, but it was Martin who answered.
    “She’s a nurse at a hospital I volunteer at during the week. She works in the pediatric wing.” Melanie couldn’t get over what a great guy Martin was, and he surely deserved a girl who was just as sweet and giving. She probably wasn’t even an addict which was even better.
    “Well, we’re happy for you guys. It was very nice to meet you, Alice. But me and my girl here have got a date to get to,” Andy

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