Caught in Transition
– Team May is what we have taken to referring to ourselves as and it suits us. I ’ m there for her and she ’ s there for me and we team up to take on the world. We celebrated our fourteenth anniversary with a special dinner and some champagne. Sheelagh had been told by the doctor not to exert herself for six weeks after the surgery, so love making was not an option. Things continued going well and we were on the same wave length and in sync with each other. I enjoyed every single day.

    Hair Surgery

    The third week in July Sheelagh and I were going to Toronto for three days because she was scheduled to have hair surgery. It was going to be a seven hour operation where they take a strip of scalp off the back of your head and then place each follicle into another part of your head. In this case she was getting it done to create a lower hair line that would look more feminine while also covering up the scar from her FFS. For this she received a local anesthetic and just had to lie very still.  

    My daughter Cait was living in Toronto at the time and we spent the day together shopping and catching up. At 5:00 P.M. I went over to the clinic and picked up Sheelagh. She had a scarf loosely wrapped around her head to protect the incisions from the dirt and wind. I took her back to the hotel and she slept soundly. The next morning she returned to the clinic where they washed her hair and checked the incisions. Everything looked great and the doctor said she could go home.  

    The doctor believed the surgery to be successful but we ’ d have to wait six to nine months to see if and how much hair growth there would be. Sheelagh had to continue to wear her wig to work but once home had to keep it off in order to let the air get to the follicles. I am happy to say that it was a success and all sorts of little baby hairs started sprouting up.

    Cait Visit

    My birthday is usually a quiet time that Sheelagh and I share together because the kids have their own lives and as long as I get a card or a phone call I ’ m happy. This year my daughter and her partner dropped in for a visit on the weekend.

      We all had a lovely time over tea and muffins, it was a lovely birthday surprise. They are supportive of us both and totally accept Sheelagh as she is. It is so nice to have family who love you no matter what.

    Tattoo Revision

    That August I had the tattoo on my upper arm changed. On my arm I had a heart with Steve ’ s name on it. I ’ d had it since 1998 and now I was having it redone as a heart with flowers and Sheelagh ’ s name. It looked beautiful and we both loved it. Sheelagh was deeply moved by the fact I ’ d wear her name on my arm for the world to see.  

    I knew Sheelagh was not happy with the two tattoos she had done before her transition. She felt they were to manly looking. I took photos of Sheelagh ’ s tattoos with me to my tattoo artist and asked if she could make them more feminine looking. She looked at them and said they were already quite feminine for a man, so that ’ s when I told her about Steve becoming Sheelagh. She instantly understood what I was saying. She did new drawings of the tattoos from the photos by adding flowers and brighter colours so I could take it back to Sheelagh to see what she thought of them.  

    I found it interesting when she said her brother was having problems coming to grips with being “ different” and feeling like he was born in the wrong body. She said she worried about him because quite often he was suicidal. I think she needed someone to talk about it with, and I ’ m glad I could be that person for her. I also gave her two web sites she could pass along to her brother that I thought would be helpful. I thought he might feel better if he could connect with like minded transgendered people. Funny isn ’ t it how when we look at people we think they are perfectly normal, living perfectly mundane lives, when in fact there are often a lot of things hidden behind

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