Blue Moon
Nothing, damn it!
    “Oh come on, open up!” I plead to the door.
    Just like that, I hear a click and the door swings open banging against the wall making me jump. I cannot believe it, it actually worked.
    Walking nervously into Richard’s room, I do a quick check, making sure he isn’t asleep in bed, or in the shower.
    Where would an evil bastard like Richard hide this book? Does he even know what power it holds? Moreover, where did he get it?
    I walk over to his bedside cabinets and have a peek inside, but they are completely empty, strange. Walking into the room that's connected by a door, I see that it is a living area, there is a big flat screen television, large leather couches, and in the middle of the room is a dancing pole! Oh kinky! I should have known after all he does like to tie people up, I think with a little giggle. There are two large paintings either side of the television, so I have a look behind them for a wall safe, nothing! It was a long shot. He must have somewhere in the palace where he keeps all of his personal belongings. He only has suits, shoes and underwear, no CD’s, no photos, not one personal item what so ever, in fact the place looks as if it has never been used.
    Just before I go, I’ll have a little look under the bed, again it’s a long shot, but I want to make sure that I have looked everywhere, because I can’t risk coming back.
    Crawling under the bed a little, I see a small brown leather box; I wonder if it’s a jewellery box? It can’t be the book I’m looking for, as it’s too small. I really want to open it, but I don’t want to risk being here any longer then I have to. Crawling out, when suddenly my ankles are gripped by strong hands, and I’m dragged out from under the bed. I scream as I’m flipped onto my back. Damn It! Richard’s caught me!
    “Hey, are you.” I ask trying to smile, looking up at him. He is smiling at me, making me do a double take. I have just broke into his bedroom and been found under his bed and he is smiling at me.
    “What are you doing Zara?” He asks raising a brow.
    “Looking for you of course,” I tell him as I lean on my elbows, reading myself to get up. Suddenly he is sitting on me, but keeping his weight on his knees and his hands that are now next to my head, with his face only inches away from mine.
    “Under the bed?” He asks sarcastically.
    “Yeah,” I say shaking my head to him, while looking anywhere but into his black eyes, my heart starts pounding in my chest as I start to feel nervous. Is he going to teach me a lesson or try to have his way with me!
    “Do you want to get up Zara?” He asks with a smirk.
    Wow, I never realised he smelt so nice, and the smile on his face makes him look very handsome. NO! What am I doing, I cannot think things like that about him, he is a vile monster. Nevertheless, my heart will not stop racing as he gazes at my lips with a look of hunger, he is so close he must be able to hear my heart pounding.
    “Yes, it’s kinda uncomfortable here.” I tell him as I lean forward wanting to sit up, the only trouble is he doesn’t move one bit.
    “Um, can you move please?” I ask politely, as I did just break into his room, I don’t want to push my luck.
    “No, I want to know the real reason you where here, then you can get up,” He says moving his face in front of mine, and practically talking on my lips. I uncontrollably lean my head into him slightly. What the hell is happening to me! I know that I will feel attraction to the Warriors, even fall in love with them, but not Richard, I hate him.
    “Get off me and I will speak to you.” I tell him getting agitated.
    “No, no, that’s not how it works; you are here in my room, under my bed, so you will answer my questions. Now, how did you get in, and what are you looking for?” He asks while pushing me down so that I’m now lying flat on my back with him on top of me, then feeling panic as his hardness grinds into me.

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