she can never fight back!” He tells me with a smirk.
“What’s happened to make you this way?” I ask shaking my head, trying to understand where this has all come from.
“Zara, I’m getting bored, kiss me or I collect Dallah?”
He is being serious, how can I not kiss him, I would do anything for Dallah, which he knows too well, he is playing on my weakness.
“Why would you want me to kiss you like I would Parrise?”
“I want you to show me why these men surround you, you must have something special, and I never liked being left out.” He tells me with a mischievous wink.
I sigh and run my hands through my hair, before I lock eyes with him.
I can do this, it’s just a kiss.
I walk up to him with a frown forming on my face as I put my arms around his neck and tiptoe up to him. I lay my lips on his; surprised at finding them soft and inviting, and kissing him soft and gently until his tongue enters my mouth and mine meets his in a caress. The kiss deepens becoming more urgent, which makes my heart flutter and beat so fast, I feel nervous, scared, anxious, and if I were being truthful, a little turned on! Richard pulls me into his hard chest as he deepens the kiss further, his hand slips down to my butt as he slowly and seductively caresses me. When he lets a moan slip, I pull away from him a little out of breath as he looks at me wickedly.
“What?” I ask breathlessly, as I remove his hands from me and take a step back from him.
“Well, you didn’t let me finish Zara, where was I, oh yes...I want you to kiss me tonight after dinner, while we dance together in the center of the ballroom, but that was a good taster.”
“No, you can’t do that!” I scream at him in frustration. I can’t kiss him like that in front of Dallah, Parrise, and Angus!
“I can and will, I have the power to make you do as I wish, as I do for every man and woman in my Coven,” He laughs.
“You're sick!” I say walking to the door, I stop when he speaks, but I don’t face him, I can’t.
“So you keep saying, but before you go Zara, just a little friendly advice. When you come to me tonight, I want to feel your want and need for me; if I don’t then I will hurt Dallah so horrifically you will not recognize her. Goodbye Zara!”
I will not reply to him, he is obviously getting off on this, but why? He hates me, I know that for sure, I can see it there in his deadly black eyes, but then he wants me also, he has hunger to have what he cannot have. His mentioning of Parrise and me had me a little thrown off; maybe he longs to have someone feel love towards him. I am the Charmer, chosen to bring the warmth of love back to the ‘Blackened hearts’, however Richard is a lost cause.
I will have to kiss Richard tonight in front of over a hundred people, and then have him murdered on the day of his bonding! That’s if I can even find this bloody book. I want to scream with frustration, I have no idea who I will ask to kill Richard. I know that Parrise and Angus will be more than willing to kill him, but I just cannot imagine the words leaving my lips, ‘uh yeah here’s a dagger, could you stick this in the blue flame around his heart, please? Oh and don’t worry I put a spell on it!’ Uhh goddamn it!
Chapter Seven
Sitting with Dallah in the palace gardens just after we eat lunch, I look at her with a smile, before I ruin her day, which I hate myself for.
“Dallah, uh, um, I need to tell you a few things, please don’t hate me for it, it’s just that you have had all this to deal with, and...”
“Tell me sweetie,” She says with sympathy laced in her tone, as she can see the stress playing on my face.
“When I first came here with Richard, he beat me up pretty bad, and then had Mary; you know the one that slept with Sallack. She came here and Richard got Kiss-ass to tie me to a chair whilst Mary let loose. She got a few hits in, but I managed to break out of the restraints and fight her back, which
Ian McDonald
Carole Mortimer
Adelina St. Clair
Lisa Marie
Sara Humphreys
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Frank Ahrens
Shelby Hearon
Caprice Crane
Julia Álvarez