Blue Moon
was...I...Please Richard this is stupid let me up!” I ask with desperation, I cannot think straight with him this close. My body betraying me as my nipples harden at the contact, my emotions flooding my senses I just want to leave, how can my body react this way to a monster like Richard?
    “Zara, How did you get in, what are you looking for?” He re peats again in a calming tone, trying to coax me into confessing.
    “Goddamn it! Its embarrassing ok, I was looking for my bra that I left here the other night, after that Vamp got all hungry and horny, and you let me shower and sleep here. I got in by giving the door a little nudge and that’s that,” I tell him with the most believable voice I can manage under these circumstances.
    “Why?” He asks, actually believing me. Yes!
    “I have nothing of my own here, and Dallah has doesn’t matter. I can’t breathe so get off me!” I plead.
    “Ok.” He tells me, yet making no effort in moving.
    “Ok, then get off!” I tell him annoyed while pushing at his chest.
    “For a kiss?” He asks with a grin.
    “What the hell! No! Get off me now! What is wrong with you, oh my god, are you drunk?”
    He really is drunk; I cannot believe that I have only just noticed! No wonder he is acting so out of character.
    “I am. Now to get up you will have to pay the toll, a kiss.” He says cheekily. What is going on, i t’s like being with one of the Brothers’ or Angus, who would have thought that Richard had a different side.
    “I’m not going to kiss you Richard; I’ll stay here all night if I have to.” I tell him whilst trying hard not to laugh at the face he is pulling, what is wrong with me!
    “Ok, I’m easy.” He says as he lays his forehead to mine and closes his eyes.
    “What, you’re not serious, get the fuck up!”
    “I like you Zara.”
    I let the laugh escape me, just as he opens his eyes to look at me once again, his midnight eyes glaring back at me.
    “What?” He asks not understanding.
    “You’re a prick you know that. You beat me, and then arranged someone else to have a go, and for all I know, it was you that got the Vamp to attack me that night,” I shout at him frantically, while mustering all the strength I have, through my anger. It works, I manage to push him off me, so I roll on to my side and scramble to my feet.
    “You’re a tease, I saw the way you were looking at me, I was only trying to help you out, give you what you wanted.”
    “You are unbelievable! So fucking arrogant! I don’t want you, and I never will. If you wanted to give me what I wanted, then you would release Dallah from this bonding,” I shout at him, my temper rising.
    He stumbles towards me, trapping me against the bedroom door. With his hands out, and laughing, he grabs me in a bear like grip, as I push against him and twist in his hands, his grip tightens.
    “You know I’m feeling a little bored, maybe I should find little Dallah and show her how her life will be from now on.” He tells me shrugging his shoulders.
    “You’re evil Richard!” I tell him as the anger comes again, giving me the strength to push him away from me, “You can’t use me like that, are you really so cold! So vile?” I spit at him boldly.
    “I am the Dark Prince, that makes me pretty evil, wouldn’t you say? I will give you the choice, leave now and I will collect Dallah from her room, take her to my favourite room in the Palace, and have her beaten black and blue, or...You kiss me like you would the dear Parrise?”
    “What the hell is wrong with you? Dallah would have you black and blue before you could raise a finger. And why do you want to kiss me, because I sure as hell don’t want you?”
    “Ah sweet little Zara, Dallah cannot lay a finger on me, and has never been able to, she has tried, boy has she tried. As we are to be bonded, she holds no power towards me, it’s the way of the Witches and Warlocks, and as this has been arranged since birth, she will never,

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