Cold Hollow (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 1)

Cold Hollow (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 1) by Emilie J. Howard

Book: Cold Hollow (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 1) by Emilie J. Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilie J. Howard
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turned to her briefly. “They were in the bucket at the town hall this morning. You must have missed them.” He cleared his throat and added, “Nazar told me that I should keep a better eye on my wife.”
    “What did you say in return?”
    Angus shrugged. “I told him to mind his own damn business.”
    He saw his wife’s expression turn to hatred at the mere mention of Nazar. She opened the envelopes and nearly went into a tirade; Nazar had instituted a till bill in the children’s names because it was obvious to him that they were employed at the bakery. She shoved the bills in her pocketbook and decided she would take care of it first thing in the morning. She was going to pay a little visit to Nazar.
    After drinking her bottle of spring water, she ran upstairs to take a quick shower and change before supper. As she lathered herself up, she ran the dialogue she would have with Nazar through her mind a few times. She wanted to let Nazar know that he couldn’t kick her family around as he did the rest of the town. She would talk it over with Angus when they went to bed. The remark he had made to Angus made her furious. It was ludicrous. How Angus watched over her what Angus said to her were none of Nazar’s business.
    When Myrna pulled up into her driveway, she noticed a box in front of her door. She picked it up to find it was weighty. When she was inside, she popped it open and found it was her dead husband’s remains. She sat at the kitchen table in front of the remains and pondered what to do with them. Most people left a will with explicit instructions on where their bodies were to be interred or their ashes spread. They even provided information about where they would like the memorial service. She was determined that Bob would have no memorial service. Who would go to it, anyway? Bob had no will or any such thing. She wondered about scattering him around the flower beds that he took so much pride in, or in their massive vegetable garden, but she did not want to. He was such a brutal being that she was sure his remains would poison the soil.
    She wondered about his wooden tool shed, his revered tool shed. The place where he took care of everything better than he had ever cared for her. Her face pinched, and she shook her head. She wanted to convert the roomy shed into a little getaway for herself, a place of retreat from the stress of life. She finally made up her mind. She grabbed the box containing the man who had put her through ten years of hell, went to the bathroom, and dumped the gray ash and bits down the toilet. It took Myrna Bradbury four flushes to get the remains of the bastard down the pipes.
    Sophia was up and dressed well before dawn. She was out of the house and into her vehicle before the rest of her family had even woken up. She drove to her bakery and prepped more goods than they could possibly use that day. She was angry, and anger always increased her productivity. She thought again about the dialogue she would have with Nazar and tweaked it as she beat up some bread dough.
    The fact that he had personally taxed her children made her irate. She looked up at the clock to see that it was almost time for Myrna to come in. When she heard the bells atop the door chime, she washed her hands, removed her apron, and grabbed her pocketbook. Myrna came in the back and gawked at all the goods that Sophia had already made.
    Sophia shouldered her pocketbook and said, “I’m going across the street for a few minutes. I’ll be right back. Can you just keep an eye on what I put in the oven?” Myna nodded and swallowed hard as Sophia stormed out of the store and across the street.
    Sophia opened wide the town hall doors and stormed past the desk where “the salt shaker” sat. May Belle shouted out to her, but Sophia ignored her and took the stairs to Nazar’s office.
    She knocked hard on his office door, three times, and stood back. She heard carpeted footsteps coming toward

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