Abbie's Gift

Abbie's Gift by M. R. THOMAS

Book: Abbie's Gift by M. R. THOMAS Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. R. THOMAS
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    “Peter, are you really here?” she said out loud.
    But only silence prevailed.

Chapter 9
    When Abbie opened her eyes, the bedside clock read 6.30 am, and she looked around the bedroom; Peter’s dressing gown still lay on the bed. She lay motionless, staring at the ceiling, enjoying the feeling of complete restfulness, and she moved her fingers and toes - all connected and working, she thought.
    Abbie took a deep breath. All this felt real, it felt familiar and normal. She looked at the window, darkness lingering outside. She heard the central heating click on, and she lay under the covers wondering whether it had all been a dream.
    She genuinely could remember everything that had happened, but she didn’t know if it had been real, she just didn’t know.
    Then the scripture came back to her, the one that she read the other day, the one made her feel so calm after the funeral; the same calm as she had felt in that other place, in that other dimension. She put on her bedside lamp and reached for the Bible, opened the page where the ribbon marker lay, and read from St John Chapter 14.
    ‘Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also’
    After reading this again, Abbie lay back down in the snugness of the bed covers and thought this is it, it’s beginning to make sense now: that other dimension, the astral plane, is one of the many mansions, it truly is the edge of heaven, and soon, oh, I hope so soon, that I’ll meet Peter there.
    Abbie decided that to help her understand, and more importantly, to help her remember all these experiences she needed to begin to write them down. So later that morning she sat with her pen poised and began recording events in the form of journal, trying her best to remember when these things first happened, what she was doing, and also her thoughts relating to the experience at the time, her concern or fear, or her being at peace with it.
    After about an hour Abbie had already produced a significant amount of information, and she logged on to the PC to search more about astral projection.  There were many sites offering explanations although a lot were very wordy and required detailed reading, something she did not feel able to commit to just now; she just wanted a snapshot of information, a quick guide of what, where, why, and how.
    She didn’t find what she looked for though; did it exist? She wondered.  Some of the information seemed, even by her own new standard of open-mindedness, somewhat out there, even a bit crazy.
    But then she thought, you get craziness in any form of life or circumstance maybe the best idea is just to find my own way through this, in my own time.
    What did make her stop and pause just before turning off the PC was what she read on one of the final internet pages she searched: the suggestion that all people travel to the astral plane after death before moving on.  That totally tied in with what Isaac had explained to her. Maybe Isaac if he did exist was best placed to assist her further?
    She pondered, and wondered about how often and for how long she could travel there. She was aware that emotions had played a huge part in this, and maybe her adrenaline levels too, especially when out running, but her mind also was a significant factor, as in the supermarket during that panic episode; she was aware of really concentrating in order to stop anything happening. She no longer felt fear about this, only a real desire to go and find Peter.
    Could she do this at will, like right now? Or did her body have to be energised to do that by being either relaxed or at extreme levels of exertion?

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