RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)

RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) by Kristina Royer

Book: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) by Kristina Royer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Royer
who has done me wrong and who has done him wrong.
                  “Why is this happening to you? What are you doing to yourself? You could have just chosen me… that would have been much easier. But things are not that late, you can still choose to be with me, and I would accept you anytime of any day. Please, Kristina, save you… Only I can do that for you… not this guy.” He whispered, but it was loud enough for Gary to hear it.
                  “You’re not helping her.” Gary was absolutely annoyed by what he’s heard.
                  “But neither are you.”
    I felt the conflict going on in the air, but neither of them was planning to back out. My Gary was trying to send him away, but Clemente wanted to wait for my dad so he could talk things with him.
    I felt Gary was terrified by his presence. But why’s that? Was he threatened by Clemente’s presence or the fact that I was in this bad situation being with him? I had no idea. But he shouldn’t feel this way. He’s the only person that I’ve ever loved more than my whole life.
    But at the same time, I felt touched by Clemente’s overflowing concern. Sure, he has done me some stupid stuff but who doesn’t commit mistakes? I’ve forgiven him the moment he had decided to let Gary went away from beating him up. It was absolutely, clearly his fault anyway.
    But nothing can take away my love for Gary. My heart belongs to him and him alone.
                  “This can’t happen again.” Clemente told Gary.
                  “I guarantee you with my life, this will never happen again.” Gary guaranteed him.
    I heard Clemente gave him a sarcastic laugh. “No, I’m taking her with me. You’re incompetent to take care of her.”
    What? No, my Gary’s able to take care of me. It’s my fault, and he has nothing to do with it. But on the other hand, Clemente’s here for me… how sweet of him. Wait, after what he’s done to you? Ugh! It must be the medication… or is it?

Ransom Proposal Proposal
    Ransom Gift Collection
    By Kristina Royer
    Copyright © 2015 by Kristina Royer
    The Ransom Gift Series
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or locals or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1
    What on Earth was I thinking?
    Okay, Kristina… this has to stop.
    Stop pretending you’re in trauma or whatever. Don’t avoid the pain, face it.
    Face it, please…
    You’re not a crazy heart-less bitch.
    Right... I’ve decided to make things right. We’ve lost a child. I’ve let everyone down, especially Gary and our unborn angel, if suffering will make it up to them. I am going to do it.
    I blinked my eyes, and I knew Gary has noticed, so he walked up to me. “Baby, are you alright?” He asked with eyes filled with hope, and automatically, Clemente pulled himself to the side as if subconsciously giving way to what he knew was exactly what I needed at the time.
                  “Gary, I’m hungry”, was all that I could say then.
    I had to cry, but there has to be no one else in this room. Clemente has to leave. Okay, maybe Gary could be here, but not Clemente. I don’t feel comfortable.
                  “Okay, do you want fruits or is there anything in particular that you want? I’ll get it for you.” He offered to me as if I was a little girl… could’ve been our little girl.
    I slowly shook my head, tears falling down my eyes. “I need to be alone.” I said.
    And for some unknown reasons, which I liked to call as our own little connection, Gary knew that I had to cry. He walked up to Clemente, and although I

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