A Taste Of Sin
gorgeous, nice house—hasn't settled down with a nice girl yet." Kelly winced even as the words flew out of her mouth. Did she really want to know this?
    "Right girl hasn't come along yet," he answered. His hand came up to tickle her scalp, raising goosebumps on her skin.
    "But you thought she had for a while?" Danger! Danger! Do not ask about exes while in bed with a man! She wasn't terribly experienced, but even she knew that.
    Nick made a sound, half sigh, half chuckle. "So you heard about Ann?"
    Kelly propped herself up on his chest so she could see him.
    Fortunately, he didn't look pissed. Just resigned. "I've heard some stuff."
    "Yeah it's hard to keep ‘stuff' from the people in this town."
    "So what happened?"
    "You know, the usual. I was thinking about rings and she just wanted a good fuck and a nice place to stay."
    His tone was casual, but the subtle stiffening of his muscles conveyed the hurt that still festered.
    Kelly was trying to imagine a woman who would give up Nick, and couldn't. "I don't get it," she said simply.
    "It's not that complicated," he said. "She was smart, ambitious. Kind of like you." he smiled a funny half smile down at her. "She wanted to do her time here and get the hell out and go on to bigger and better places, bigger and better things."
    Kelly tucked her head back under his chin and thought about what he said. I would have stayed for you, Nick, she thought.
    But instead she leaned up and kissed him, first his chin, then his mouth. "I don't know how smart she is Nick, if she didn't see what she had in you."
    He smiled and kissed her back, and his next words cracked her heart in two. "You're a good friend, Kelly. You always know what to say to make me feel better."
    Swallowing the hurt, Kelly pasted a brazen smile on her lips and rubbed herself sinuously against him, gratified when she felt his penis stir with renewed interest. In this aspect of their relationship, at least, she could be honest. "And I also know," she said, teasing his chest with the hard buds of her nipples, "exactly what to do to make you feel better.”
    Something is weird , Nick thought when he woke up Thursday morning. Light poured into his bedroom through the skylight above his bed. Whoa, he must have slept in, judging from the sun.
    But there was something else too. He smiled as he rolled over.
    Right. There was the warm, sleeping presence of another body in his bed.
    And not just any body. Kelly.
    Her face was half-buried in a huge down pillow as she was sprawled on her stomach, turned slightly toward him. Her arms and shoulders were bare above the covers, and he could see the creamy plumpness of her breast as it pressed against the mattress. He reached out and traced the dark feather of lashes against her cheekbones, laughing when she squinched up her face and rolled over in her sleep.
    She didn't see what she had in you . Her words echoed in his mind.
    Was it possible that Kelly was falling for him, just as he had fallen for her? He tried not to get his hopes up, reminded himself to take it slow as he eased her into the idea of a real relationship.
    He felt his usual morning wood grow an extra inch as he drank her in. Her back was to him now, the clean lines and fine-grained skin taunting him to trace it with his fingers. She had kicked the covers off and one leg was bent up, affording Nick a tempting view of her perfect round ass and the soft folds of her sex peeking out.
    He could easily imagine waking up like this every morning for the rest of his life.
    Inching himself closer, he slid his arm around her, cupping and teasing her breasts. With his other hand he positioned his cock between her legs, sliding, teasing through her folds, rubbing against her clit until he was bathed in her wetness. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table and rolled her to her back. She murmured something and reached for him, still not quite awake.
    Carefully he eased inside of her. She woke with a soft gasp, her look of

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