A Taste Of Sin
surprise immediately melting into a sleepy smile. She whispered his name and reached her hands up to touch his face, his temples, his lips.
    He didn't think he'd ever seen anything as beautiful as Kelly, half-asleep and aroused, moving sweetly under him. He wanted to stay inside her for hours, for days, crawl inside her body and never come out.
    He couldn't stop the words from tumbling from his mouth, how beautiful, how sexy she was, how good it felt to be inside of her.
    Kelly clutched him now, arching against his long, slow thrusts, her throaty moans matching his rhythm. He felt her orgasm coiling up inside her, reveled in the sharp, soft cry she gave before she hugged him close to her heart. He let himself go, and when he came he heard his heartbeat thundering in his head.
    "Oh my god, someone's here!" Kelly was pushing at his shoulders, trying to squirm out from underneath him.
    He shook his head and realized it wasn't his heartbeat he heard, but someone pounding at his front door.
    "Nick! Hey, Nick, you awake?"
    Shit. It was Mike. Kelly scrambled out from under him and rushed into the attached bathroom.
    "Nick, what the fuck are you doing? You were supposed to be over at the Williams' an hour ago!"
    Nick glanced at the alarm clock on his bedside table. Nine-thirty.
    He was over an hour and a half late.
    And the funny thing was, he didn't even care.
    "Just a sec, Mike." Nick grabbed his jeans from the floor and spared a glance at the bathroom door. Kelly didn't make a sound.
    As Nick trotted downstairs, he half wished she would turn on the shower and take the decision out of his hands. Then he could tell Mike, tell Tony, hell, the entire world that Kelly was his.
    "Sorry, man," Nick said sheepishly. "I must've turned off my alarm by mistake."
    "What the hell is up with you lately? This is the third time you've been late this week." Mike cast a suspicious glance upstairs.
    Nick did his best to paste a bland, nonchalant look on his face.
    "Nothing. I've been tired, and I overslept."
    Mike's expression said he didn't believe him. "There's something going on with you, Nick, something you're not telling me."
    Nick hated keeping things from his brother. He had no problem keeping secrets from the rest of the world, but he and his brothers shared everything. It was on the tip of his tongue to spill his guts, tell him all about Kelly and his newly discovered love for her.
    But he didn't want to out them without talking to her first. It wouldn't be fair, since she agreed with him about keeping their relationship quiet. No, they would go public in a more subtle way. He’d take her out to a movie, or better yet, ask her to come to his folks’ house for Sunday dinner this week.
    That, more than anything, would be a strong declaration that he was serious. But he had to keep it quiet just a little longer.
    "Trust me, Mike, there's nothing going on."
    Mike didn't entirely believe him. "Look, Nick, I don't give a shit what you do in your free time. But we have too much to do before ski season starts for you to be fucking around."
    Nick hated to disappoint his brother who had so capably taken over the business when their father retired. But at the same time he was glad Mike hadn't pressed for more answers.
    Nick apologized and sent Mike on his way with assurances that he’d be at the building site in no more than half an hour. He whistled a little as he started the coffee brewing. Maybe they were different, but he knew in his soul that Kelly was right for him. And making their relationship public was the first step in convincing her.
    Kelly held her breath as she listened through the barely cracked bedroom door. Just tell him, she silently willed. Just tell Mike that you're seeing me so that I know that what I'm feeling isn't all one sided.
    The crack in her heart widened when she heard him assure Mike there was nothing going on. Nothing. That's exactly what she meant to Nick. Nothing more than the fulfillment of a silly high

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