A Second Chance

A Second Chance by Ellen Wolf

Book: A Second Chance by Ellen Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Wolf
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and this moment , making her shiver with fear about the future.

F ive
    ‘Laura, I still think you and Liam should go without me.’ It didn’t help to repeat her suggestion twice ; her friend’s dark eyes were stubborn as she shook her head .
    ‘No way . W hy would I go out with my brother on my own while you sit here ? ’ H er lips puckered, Laura applied some blush to her high cheekbones, her critical gaze going over Jade’s unhappy features. ‘I know you weren’t very happy to talk to Brian. If you ask me, you should just stay here for a while regardless of what he said . He lost any rights to complain the moment he broke off your engagement.’
    If only it w ere as simple as talking to her ex - fiancé. He had been less than happy at her decision to stay in San Francisco for a month, but there was nothing that he could do to stop her , and he realized it , e specially after his less than honorable breakup of their engagement. In the end they had reached an agreement . H e had grudgingly agreed that her work for Liam Latimer was a positive change and that it would help to lift the reputation of their company.  
    No, Brian was definitely not her biggest problem . She watched herself in the mirror with wide open eyes, the truth in her eyes screaming back at her the true reason for her worries. The girl looking back at her seemed alien, her hazel eyes huge and feverish. She had promised herself she wouldn’t dress up too much, a simple evening out with two old friends hardly justifying any attempts to get out of her comfort zone and try to look ravishing. S he wouldn’t succeed anyway, even if she tried ; she was aware of her average looks. Granted, her hair was thick and glossy, falling down her back like a silk curtain , and her eyes looked luminous and alluring, but that was pretty much it. She was of average height and average build, though her mother kept repeating she could do with a few extra pounds to be prettier.
    Liam was taking them out to Laura’s favorite spot, her failed attempts to talk him out of including her in his evening plans leaving her with no other option but to get ready and hop e for the best. On the way back from h er brother’s new home, Laura finally decided to break her silence and talk about her disease and the meeting that was much more enlightening and invigorating than she ever expected. She explained to them all the necessary steps her doctors were taking, starting with surgery to remove the lump and following up with chemo and radiation. Luckily her cancer had been caught early , and the prognosis was excellent ; her body language gave away the immense relief she felt. She seemed eager to go out and celebrate her newfound confidence in beating the disease, greeting Liam’s idea to go to the Den, her favorite club downtown, with enthusiasm that Jade could hardly share. She had the strong feeling that Liam was also dead on his feet, with only his brotherly love forcing him to play along.
    S he was dressed in the only outfit she had brought for her visit that was not extremely casual , a simple wine - red dress, sleeveless and plain. Matched with her high-heeled sandals , it allow ed her to go places other than the beach, grocery shopping , or running all kind s of errands. Her hair tumbled in glossy waves down her back , and she used a minimal amount of makeup , just enough to accent her skin and darken the long curly eyelashes .
    It would have to do, she decided rebelliously, dabbing just a drop of her favorite scent behind her ears and into the hollow at the base of her throat. The fragrance was light and reminded her of her favorite flowers, lilies of the valley. She would go and have fun and ignore the fact that the idea of spending her evening in Liam’s presence sent her pulse skyrocketing. A long time had passed since she had been single and enjoyed going out by herself. Both she and Brian were too busy building their careers to have time for going out, with most evening

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