s spent poring over designs they wanted to implement in their renovations. They occasionally ate out, mostly sushi or Thai , in one of those express places that minimized the wait time and offered fair prices.
That was light year s away from th e posh, exclusive club at which they had arrived . It was the first time Jade had seen a line of people waiting to enter a club. The inconspicuous , grayish entrance was guarded by forbidding men , l ook ing as though it w ere part of a movie. A burly bouncer ushered them inside, patting Liam’s back affectionately.
‘You know those guys?’ she whispered to Liam, unable to curb her curiosity.
The mischievous smile that answered her bewildered question only add ed to his already lethal sex appeal. He had changed clothes since noon, his dark red t-shirt and black jeans bringing out the best of his dark looks and tanned skin.
‘I do, actually , ’ he whispered back, his hand coming to rest on the small of her back as he guided her along.
Laura walked next to him, her lovely blue dress shimmering in the light of the neon lamps that were placed all over the foyer. She overheard Liam and giggled, turning to Jade to explain , ‘ Lia m knows the owner of the club . Actually it ’ s one of his best friends, and the guys at the door know about the connection . Nicholas would have a fit if he found out t hey stopped us from getting in right away .’
It felt unreal, J ade thought as she walked into a room large enough to fit a hundred table s . It wasn’t anything like the dizzying clubs with flashing lights and wild music that she remembered hearing about from her more worldly friends . M usic was playing , of course, but it was a far cry from the loud , obnoxious sound she had imagined. Nor were the people here acting out of the ordinary, most of them s itt ing at the little private tables or swaying on the dance floor to the music.
‘Liam, I don’t believe it!’ A tall, thin man with longish hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen walked toward them, his thin, expressive face smiling widely. He had an Australian accent that went well with his deep tan and tall , lanky build. ‘I didn’t know you’re back in town, mate . ’
‘I sure am, Rocco . ’ Liam laughed as he eyed his friend, obviously pleased to see him. ‘Just got back from Hong Kong.’
‘And here you are, with two beautiful girls, you lucky man.’ He g rinned slyly and let his gaze wa nder over Jade and Laura. Jade heard her friend giggle and saw her smiling mischievously at Rocco. She realized they must know each other , and she was the only person who didn’t belong to their familiar group. It wasn’t for long , however. Rocco’s blue eyes clung to her with an intensity that made her blush, his obvious male appreciation something with which she wasn’t used to deal ing .
‘Jade, this is Rocco.’ Liam must have noticed it , too, because he introduced them with the tiniest hint of annoyance coloring his voice as Rocco stepped closer with suspicious eagerness. ‘We ’ ve worked on numerous projects together , and I can’t think of anyone crazier and more talented than this Outback guy.’
He smiled and continued, nodding towards Rocco in turn , ‘This is Jade . W e practically grew up together , and I think I can safely say it is the longest relationship I have ever had with a girl who isn’t family, now that I think about it.’
‘Well, th e n you must be blind not to up grade the status.’ Rocco grinned impishly, vigorously pumping her hand . ‘I am truly pleased to meet you, my hazel - eyed belle . ’
‘Oh, I forgot to mention that Rocco is a big hit with the ladies , too , ’ Liam added wryly, his eyes glittering in the semi - dark of the club. ‘He takes it very seriously, so don’t be surprised if he tries to include you in his romancing, Jade.’
‘Spoiler alert.’ Rocco didn’t seem embarrassed at all at this rather less th a n perfect introduction, his tanned face
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