Bound Angel Bound Demon
when she looked up at the bedroom window she saw Gary looking down, and she waved and blew him a kiss.
    They soon reached the office where she worked. Briggs held open the car door for her, Alex felt like someone who’d won the lottery, passers-by looked to see who was getting out of the car.
    “John, I’m hoping not to be long, shall I just give you a call when I have finished ?”
    “That’s fine Alex, I ’ve got some other things I have to do while you’re in there, but not to worry I will be back to pick you up when you’re ready,” he said.
    “Thank y ou John.”
    Alex went past the girls on reception, she saw them looking and whispering about her. Normally Alex tried to blend into the background, but today she wanted them all to notice her and stare, she was brimming with confidence.
    She went up in the lift to her office; it was noisy with people busy on calls. She drifted past her colleagues and smiled at them, the girls couldn’t believe it was Alex and the men pretended not to check her out. She was loving every minute of this.
    Alex knocked on her boss’s door.
    “C ome in,” shouted a male voice.
    Alex entered.
    “Alex, hello, glad to see you back, I believe you wanted to see me.” Her boss was the type of man that believed every woman wanted him. Alex couldn’t bear to be with him most of the time.
    “Well Mr Sung, as you can tell, I’m not here to work,” Alex began. Mr Sung looked at her; she could feel him undressing her with his eyes. “As you know I have been off this past week due to family illness.” He nodded. “Well, I’m here to hand in my notice, so I can stay at home to look after my husband and get him on the mend,” she said confidently.
    Mr Sung stopped staring and said, “But we can give you more time off, until he is back on his feet again, if you like. We wouldn’t want to lose one of our best people.”
    “ Mr Sung, I appreciate that, but I’m looking into helping out with my husband’s business, to take some of the pressure off him, so thank you but I will not be coming back to work for you.”
    Mr Sung looked at her; he didn’t know what to say.
    “I hope this hasn’t caused any inconvenience, I will collect my personal things from my desk now .” Alex stood and held out her hand to shake Mr Sung’s. “Thank you again for your time,” she put her written notice on his desk and left his office, closing the door behind her, before Mr Sung had regained the power of speech.
    She collected the only personal item she’d had on her desk, a picture of Gary. Grinning from ear to ear, she walked out. She called Briggs, “Hi Alex, I’ll be another thirty minutes,” he said.
    “Oh ok , I’ll meet you at the Thistle Hotel instead then, I will be in the bar,” answered Alex.
    “Ok, just like old time s then,” he laughed.
    She w ent into the hotel and made her way to the bar, the same young barman was working.
    He recognized her and smiled . “Hello again madam, what can I get you?”
    “Can I just have a tea , black please.”
    “Coming right up, you’re looking better than the other day, I take it your meeting went well .”
    “You could say that .”
    “Well that’s great, good for you ,” he replied.
    “Yes, it made me have a clearer look at things, and I ’ve even just packed in my old job,” she smiled.
    “Well, you can tell you’ve done the right thing, if you don’t mind me saying, you look great on it.”
    Alex laughed , blushing slightly, “Is that a barman’s chat-up line?” she said making him blush in turn.
    “Sorry if I stepped over the mark , it’s just you do look good. Any man would be blind not to notice.”
    “Thank you ,” replied Alex. “That will get you a tip for sure!”
    The barman moved to serve another customer, and she was sipping her tea when she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Briggs. “That was quick”, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and held on to his hand.
    He looked mystified, “What was

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