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fully understand everything, and ended up in a job I hated.”
    “Dad wanted me work my way up at his company, but I told him I needed to take time out and find myself, my own place in the world. So I went abroad and travelled, I discovered some things that would shock you.” Gary went quiet for a bit then laughed. “Well maybe not so much now, anyway I was introduced into the world of sex, and for a bit I used it to pay my way, I found I got a taste for it and got pretty good at it. I learned how to read people’s hidden desires and how to help them achieve them. That’s when I met Ray, we were both working for the same people, shall we say? I don’t think you need to work out what we both did for a living back then.”
    “You were used for sex?” asked Alex, shocked.
    “I don’t look a t it like that, it was training, we had a lady that showed us what women wanted, she was our dom if you like, but sometimes she could be very cruel and jealous, so I began to hate what I’d loved.”
    Alex put her arm round him.
    “It’s ok . Ray and I left there and ended up back in England, my dad was pleased to have me back and took Ray on as well. There we both learned about working in a company environment, it was a good opportunity, we got to mix with celebrities and the like. It was a whole new experience, but they still had tastes that needed to be met without the whole world knowing.”
    Alex nodded .
    “Celebrities were always getting in the papers for one thing or another, Ray and I realised we should be using our talents to supply these things discretely.” Gary took a deep breath. “So we set about starting up the Black Cat Club, we wrote loads of plans all the time while working our way up the ladder of Dad’s business, putting money aside to invest in our plan.”
    “Then my dad became ill and so I was pushed into his role and my dream was put to the side. I worked all hours, but being in charge of representing sports stars wasn’t for me, I began to resent my father being ill, but never let on. How could I?” Gary shook his head, “I was selfish, and didn’t care for Dad’s needs, I told him one night, I couldn’t do his job, I didn’t want it. That was when he told me he was dying and his only dying wish was that I found love and achieve my own dreams, if I didn’t want to work for the company so be it. I felt like I’d let him down Alex, so I put all my time into running the family business making my Dad proud, but my own dreams were getting further away.”
    Tears ca me into Gary’s eyes as he remembered his father. “I loved my Dad with all my heart and didn’t want to let him down, so up till his dying day I tried to make him proud. But on the day of his passing, his last words to me were to go out and get those dreams no matter what it took. That’s when I knew all he ever wanted, was for me to be happy and achieve something with my life that I loved, just like he did.”
    “Gary you don’t need to carry on if it’s upsetting to talk about your father, I don’t want you making yourself ill again,” said Alex as Gary wiped the tears from his eyes.
    “No I’m fine, anyway after my father passed , that was what I set out to do, but I became very private with my other life, I didn’t want it to tarnish my father’s name. I let Dan take on the day to day running of Sterling Sports, I still have to go in just to show my face when we have big company meetings, but apart from that I am free, my dad left me everything including the house,” he looked at Alex, “You’ve been there you know, I would like to take you back and show you around properly, when you’re ready.”
    Alex knew he meant the house where she’d been taken in the limo.
    “ I turned the house into my and Ray’s dream. It was ideal, in the middle of nowhere where no one would see what went on. We turned it into the club it is today, I have made my money with help from my Dad but I set out and achieved what I wanted. At

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