Bound Angel Bound Demon
that for?” he asked.
    She nodded in the direction of the barman, who was watching them.
    “Oh I see,” he said and gave her a kiss back and then walked with her towards the door.
    “I needed to let him down gently ,” she laughed.
    They were soon back in the car and on their way home, she couldn’t wait to tell Gary, leaving her job would mean she would have more time to explore his secret life and become a part of it.

Chapter Seventeen
    Gary was asleep when she got home. She lay down on the bed next to him and watched him sleep. She pushed a stray hair off his face. He stirred and opened his eyes.
    “Hi beautiful, how long have you been back ?” he said, sleepily.
    “Not long, how are you feeling, do you need anything ?”
    “I could do with some pain killers , my head is pounding, that bang was a good one.” He touched the spot where the stitches were.
    Alex gave him the tablets and a glass of water, he sat up and took them.
    “Well how was your meeting?” he asked .
    “It was great. I’m now going to be all yours any time of the day. I have packed in my job so I can be with you and be part of everything in your life. So no more hiding things from me,” she took his hand.
    Gary looked at her , taking in what she’d just said. “You didn’t need to do that Alex, you can still have your own space as well.”
    “I don’t consider work to be my own space, you know how bored I was there.”
    “O k, well then I’m happy for you, just as long as this is really what you want,” Gary didn’t show any other reaction, Alex held onto his hand.
    “Gary, I want to know everything about you . I want to share everything with you, please, this is the right thing to do for both of us.”
    “Well I’d better start explaining things then.” He gave a weak smile and began to talk. “You have worked out by now that I’m not a PA, and that I own Sterling Sports.”
    Alex stayed quiet , letting him talk.
    “You know my mom died young, when we were at school together, so my dad brought me up, as well as he could, by then he was doing well for himself, a self-made millionaire.”
    “I knew about your m om, but not that you came from a rich family,” replied Alex.
    “Yes, well Dad always said you have to make your own way in life, so I really didn’t consider myself to be rich, he worked hard and earned every penny, and my father wanted me to earn my own money my way, by myself. I respected his values and didn’t feel the need to boast that I came from a wealthy family, plus I didn’t want girls just wanting me for my money.”
    Alex smiled at Gary . “Well we didn’t go out at school, you were always too busy with the beautiful ones. . .”
    Gary laughed . “Well I would have, if you’d given me the chance. All I could do back then, if I recall, was say hello. On the odd occasion we’d have a conversation, but you were a difficult person to get to know Alex.”
    “I just thought you were out of my league back then . All the girls loved you, I didn’t feel I’d have a chance of getting you,” Alex blushed.
    Gary stroked her cheek, “I was in love with you back then, but you just didn’t seem into me, so when we bumped into each other again I couldn’t believe my luck, I got to have a second chance.”
    “I really don’t believe that from leaving school, you didn’t go out with anyone else until you met up with me again,” she joked.
    “We ll there were a couple of flings and when they found about the money they started acting differently. And they just weren’t right, they weren’t you,” he looked at her. “Anyway we’re going off course here, where was I?”
    Alex laughed. “School. Your dad wanting you to make your own way in the world.”
    “That’s right. I didn’t go on to college. My dad always said you get education from the world, not sitting around in classrooms, I would agree up to a point.”
    “I think your dad wa s right. Look at me I went on to uni and still don’t

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