3531 by John Black

Book: 3531 by John Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Black
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doesn't seem to disturbed.” Rachel moved to another bush continuing her feast.
                  After eating several handfuls Donovan then looked around to find a suitable concealed camping site.
                  “Would you relax?” she watched him looking about moving some fifty to sixty yards down the creek.
                  Donovan climbed the lazy ridge, eager to learn what it might reveal. The water cascaded down the rocky terrain. Looking he admired the larger pool of water that had carved out its place among the rocks. In the distance were more trees and some larger hills that were decorated with more trees. Apparently this place was either lightly hit by the war or it had regenerated itself. Still there could be some unknown dangers out there and the feeling prompted him to return to Rachel.
                  She was now busy placing berries in a crudely made container. “Did you find anything?” she asked.
                  “Yes, you're going to love it, I found a good place to camp.” He took her hand, eager to return.
                  “Hold on, let me secure this,” she laughed, wrapping the opening with some cloth. She admired the slow waterfall. Once in view of the pool of water, she looked at Donovan with a smile. “This is perfect!”
                  Finding a alcove of rocks and trees he laid out the sleeping back and stored the gear that wasn't immediately required.
                  “You know animals will gather here if they live around here.”
                  Donovan realized she was right, taking her by the hand they crawled into their shelter. “Your right,” he whispered. “We better observe a while.”
                  “You know its quite possible we are the first to find this. Donovan we might be the only ones here.”
                  “We will soon learn, even besides, wouldn't meat from a animal be better then those berries?” he countered.
                  Fatigue overtook the couple has both fell asleep. The light rain did nothing to disturb their slumber, both wrapped in the sleeping bag.
                  Donovan woke up then promptly realizing he was cuddling her. Just has quick he realized she was looking back at him. Neither protested the embrace, their face's changing into soft smiles.
                  They sat up, watching the predawn. The pink soft rays came over the top of the eastern clouds.
                  Rachel watched him stand and stretch,“you do not seem as sore as yesterday.”
                  “I do feel better,” he said offering his hand, helping her up. “We'll get something to eat then follow the stream up current and see if we find anything.” Walking to the waters edge, they each took sips of cool water, before feasting on the berries.
                  Realizing she forgot the berries, she returned and kindly offered him to be first. They had barely consumed their first handful, when they saw two men appear. They were average height, and their tanned tough looking skin gave indication they were in the sun a lot.
                  “Donovan!” she whispered nervously. She could not help but notice the bow and arrows they were armed with.
                  He looked them over. Donovan could sense they were also being scrutinized. “Relax Rachel, I think they might be friendly.”
                  The two strangers had long black hair, and dark eyes, other then the missile weapons they also had stone head axes. The men stopped about thirty yards away on the far side of the creek.
                  “Hello?” said Donovan finally speaking first.
                  The two men took several more steps closer then stopped. “Hello,” replied the older one. “You look dressed like the people from up north?” he

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