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Book: 3531 by John Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Black
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forced by the alliance to work for them. They staged my death so I would not be taken away has a child. I have no recollection of anything beyond my six or seventh year has a child. I have no ties with the Alliance or any other form of hostile Bio-Cyber Robotics life form.”
                  Ashwin was not yet convinced, looked at Rachel, “What about you?”
                  I'm a red unit, or in your words a true blood, I was being chased by alliance for execution, when Donovan here rescued me from them.”
                  The ever quiet Bali, gestured towards the village, “I will talk to the council.”
                  Ashwin nodded his approval about Bali's idea. Ashwin then motioned for one of the guards to come forward.
                  Donovan grew suspicious and took several steps away. “What are you up to?” he questioned.
                  “We just prick your fingers to see the color of your blood.” Ashwin revealed.
                  “Relax Donovan,” Rachel coaxed him, lifting her hand without hesitation. The guard quickly pricked her finger and several droplets of red blood streaked across her finger. “You've had issues with synthetic humanoids?”
                  Ashwin nodded, looking at Donovan, “some of the raiders are not true blood, and they infiltrated our village killing a few of our people.”
                  Donovan thrusted out his hand. “Its going to come out a milky looking reddish substance.”
                  The guard looked at Ashwin, seeing him give his approval, the guard cut Donovan's finger, and just like he told them, the red diluted liquid oozed out.
                  The party moved closer to the entrance, when a small group from the village approached.
                  “Kern, let me introduce you to Donovan and Rachel. This is our village chief Kern,” said Ashwin.
                  Donovan instantly liked Kern. The kind wrinkled face showed his gentleness and wisdom.
                  “Please stay with us, three nights has a gesture we mean you no ill will,” Kern offered.
                  “I'll accept, if you'll offer Rachel a permanent home,” Donovan countered.
                  “Hold on a minute,” Rachel replied growing angry, “he has saved me several times, he would be a asset to your village.”
                  Low gasp could be heard from those who had gathered.
                  “Don't insult those who offer you a good safe haven,” Donovan insisted.
                  Rachel lowered her tone, to the chief. “I'm sorry Kern, but when Donovan leaves, I'll go with him. We would enjoy your gracious offer of staying three days.”
                  “What is the name of your village?” said Donovan, he actually felt grateful she wanted to stay at his side.
                  “Our village is called Nv-Ya,” Kern proudly stated, “meaning rock.” 
                  The group then entered the narrow entrance into the village.
                  “Your not going to take away our weapons?” Donovan asked very surprised.
                  “Do you plan on giving us just cause of taking your weapons?” Ashwin questioned honestly.
                  “Then you may keep them, for the same reason we are allowing you into our village.”

Chapter 11
                  Individual homes could be seen carved into the rock formation. Stone paths lead about from one abode to another.
                  Donovan grabbed Rachel's arm. “I think you should stay here.”
                  “We don't even know these people, I certainly don't know if they can be trusted.” she

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